This Forum shows as 'Not Secure'?


Active New Member
Why does this website forum show as 'Not Secure' in Win 10 Edge? Bit worrisome, as some popular adult sites, forums and adult retailers like Cloud Climax, Abyss, et websites show as Secure websites?
The site is not a commercial operation and as such does not need to be run with the type of security tokens your browser is looking for.

We do not take or store your financial details or anything else that needs the level of security that your browser is requesting. The other sites you list are all vendors and as such must have that level of security in order to process on-line transactions through CC companies.


It's also a matter of search engine optimisation. Google some time ago made it clear they favoured https sites.

Best wishes

It's also a matter of search engine optimisation. Google some time ago made it clear they favoured https sites.

Best wishes


Yeah, that'll be why when I type 'sex doll forum' into google, this forum is the 2nd hit after the one that shall not be named!

Where's the 'face palm' emoji?

It's worth pointing out that an HTTPS site doesn't make things really any more secure per-se all you're doing is encrypting the data before it gets unencrypted out the other end ;)

Why not try out duckduckgo instead for searches?
I'll just add that because the site doesn't support/implement https for logging in, it means that you should definitely make sure you don't use the same password for any other sites.

It's good practise to follow that rule everywhere of course, but more important in this case as your username/password is passing over the internet in plain text via http. That is what the 'Not Secure' report from the browser is about.
It's worth pointing out that an HTTPS site doesn't make things really any more secure per-se all you're doing is encrypting the data before it gets unencrypted out the other end ;)

Actually it does prevent man in the middle attacks. Anyone monitoring a stream of data will only see junk on an https connection, whereas http will be plaintext, and it's not too difficult to setup a regex to search automatically for potentially meaningful data.

And seeing as we do share some personal information via PMs (phone numbers at least, if not address info too) which are presumably also not encrypted, this does warrant some thought about switching to https. TDF uses https, although USians tend to be a lot more tinfoil hat than us laid-back Brits. But idk if there's a cost to providing an https service.
But idk if there's a cost to providing an https service.

Depends where/how it's hosted.

I provide all of the sites on my servers with free Certs.

Personal data over unencrypted transport is a no no really and while GDPR does not specifically require it, it is hard to be compliant without it.

It's not about taking duckduckgo for searches, it is the browser which complains about an insecure connection. And google, the developers of chrome made it clear that there will soon be a future when they won't accept unencrypted connections. As Edge is a spinoff from Chrome the same rules apply there.

It's not the question if but when will this forum absolutely need https with a certificate.

just my 2c
CyberTed is right in that it is not for profit. We are all here for free and are not advertised at. I also have no reason to think our analytics are sold on other than by the standard "Google Knows All" mechanisms.

The site is likely piggy backed somewhere and not necessarily in the mainstream.

We do not have much/any leverage here and are all grateful for the forum so moaning at our Host will not be particularly gracious or useful I guess.

It would be nice though if say CyberTed could pass on our request to move to https in the foreseeable future please and maybe report back.

