Sticky Forum Award Register

Cyber Ted

Legendary Member
Register of Awards


UKLDF Platinum Star
For a Lifetime's Dedication to the Forum and the Doll Loving Community

Gibbmodoll - 30 Sept 2012



UKLDF Gold Star
For Dedication and Service to the UK Love Doll Forum and its Membership

Samurai - 28 Sept 2012
Timbo - 02 Oct 2012
Gibbmodoll - 15 Oct 2012
Wisey - 15 Oct 2012
Cyber Ted - 11 Nov 2012
Wulfie - 11 Nov 2012
Karrot - 02 Nov 2016
Algaeholics - 03 Aug 2022
Adam&Emma 6 Aug 2022
Tommo10 07 Aug 2022
Lulu1971 18 Sept 2023


UKLDF Silver Star
For a selfless act to a Member or Members of the UK Love Doll Forum

Karrot - 14 Nov 2012
revoL annaerB - 17 Mar 2013
philinotstine - 16 Jul 2014
Minato - 12 Oct 2014
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