Complete Newbie


New Member
Hi everyone,
Complete newbie here, wanting to learn and experience new things and looking for new friends along the way 😊
Hiya Cookie! :welcome



Hi cookie and welcome to the forum. Get ready for your world to be turned upside. These girls will spend all your money, take over all your wardrobe space, make you learn hair styling and make up techniques, brainwash you into walking around the lingerie department without shame and buy loads of photography equipment. But dont let that put you off cos its the best feeling in the world living with dolls :tu
Welcome, Cookie! I was a newbie up until a few months ago and now I have three girls and a spare room full of women’s clothes, wigs and other random things I thought I’d never buy like a pair of medical forceps and an aquarium pump. It’s a strange old lifestyle for sure, but we love our girls and wouldn’t have it any other way! Enjoy, and feel free to ask questions along the way as we’ve all been there.
Welcome to the forum cookie (how has that name not been taken before?????) look forwards to chatting :tu

:welcome Cookie, it's best to look around the posts first to see the different girls, the makes and how beautiful they are. When you're ready to buy depending what she's for then decide new or 2ndhand and ask the Forum which ones would be ideal, someone will give you the pros and cons.
Good luck from Louiseandhersisters.