Jessica mk IV


Golden Diamond Member
As some of you know I was unhappy with my last homemade doll build for Jessica and wanted to try a different approach.
I,ve been thinking of modifying a mannequin to house Jess' face for a while so when Jensguy pm'd me a good priced outlet I thought "why not?"
I got a plastic mannequin on sunday £45.00 + £14.00 p&p and chose the faceless one so I didn't have to mangle a pretty face for the back-of-the-eye bulges and oral insert dome.


Here it is with Pris (I refer to the mannequin as "it" until she takes on her new role).

As it was lacking certain features I ordered this cute little bag....


....containing these silicone nipples £15.00 inc. p&p.


The blue discs are sticky pads but they wouldn't adhere to the plastic so I used superglue.



Next I drilled and cut eye and mouth holes into the head.


Then marked the realdoll face boundry and glued velcro patches in place,


and we have Jessica MKIV.


The head is turnable...


She'll look better clothed and I have clean some spilled glue from her and paint her finger and toenails.


Her arms have a little movement.


All in all I'm just happy she can join in the fun and photos with the other girls again.


Tha is a crackin job mate and a brilliantly simple idea. Jess is goint to look fantastic standing in you home.

Top job :tu
Nice work Phil, I was a little frightened when I saw this picture :eek:


I'm so glad I read to the end, can't wait to see what Jessica gets up to in the future :tu

Oh Yes!

Oh Yes Phil, what a great result and I guess she can stand on her own two feet?
Great fit for the face, how about spay tanning the upper body to match her face? Apart from the posing aspect, you've virtually got a great lightweight full-sized doll there. That "halloween" mask though - very scary!
Jessica looks great; I'll bet she's pleased, now get the girl some nice clothes, she's going to be a perfect fit!

Hi Phil,

I'm defintely showing Sam and Em that pic on Halloween!

I see that you'be gone with one of the excellent Loutoff Mannequins (Sam and Em are both Loutoffs). Excellent choice with a very sexy cool smooth feel to their bodies.

For the holes it might be wise to sand down the edges. (use one of these in the right size) :


I did that with the sitting mannequin which makes use of an insert/sex possible (although I was forever bugged with the arms falling off during sex!!!).




For the head its possible to change the setup so that instead of the head being the part that slips on and off you make the kneck part of the head by use of a long bolt, a mix of metal and thick rubber washers and some liquid metal to secure the head to the ball joint.

Where the kneck attaches to the body thats a weak point and to hold in place try using a large hose clip which works perfectly.

If I had not moved on to kate the next operation would have been attaching the arms through the body using small size luggage straps.

Anyway, hope that something in the above proves useful.

For now though just like to say great job with Jessica's head.

All the best,



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An excellent solution Phil, and at a very reasonable cost too. The mannequin is just the right build to match in with Jess and I love the nice nibbly nips too. Looking great already and she'll look really fantastic once you've touched her up a bit ..... er .... I mean finished painting her finger and toenails.

Nice one mate, I look forward to seeing Jess now joining in with the other girls.
Excellent result, mate, so glad it worked out well:tu

It is a shame that the home-made bod didn't work out but this is a great compromise which means Jess is back...with a vengeance:D
Hats off to you man, you had done a great job and even given me some ideas :D I agree i think Jess will look a lot better with this new body.

Nice idea phil but she is very scary without face... :eek:

You ought to see Phil with a face, Now that is Scary :eek:



Excellent result mate. Jess looks great, that body is just the right build for her. Nice bit 'o' bush for a redhead too - matching collars and cuffs.