Scrabble - An intelligent game.

revoL annaerB

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Scrabble - An intelligent game!!!

A Manor-Patch Collaboration.

During the patchlings visit to the Manor the girls decided to get out the scrabble board, they sat down around the board and decided who'd go first, Cindy won...

Viki was a bit impatient......









What a hoot

I really laughed at this one Revol. Some great words in character with the ladies ...loved the "bunnies" and "Gothbitch" didn't know Pinky was a Satanist!
Dunno how you thought this one out - great production, really made me chuckle.
Feckin email notifications from my phone got me up too darn early this morning but now I dont care. This was worth it!.

:21. I was there for the photos and knew all the jokes, but this has made me laugh heartily

:b. Sir. :b

Now that was different, hilarious and not something to try at home unless you've had a drink and are with very good friends.
Well done Revol, brightened a dull start to another wet day here. :b:b
Good one. :b :24

I like the girls' scoring technique. :21

And as has already been said, a great start to an otherwise dreary day. :tu

Well done :b
I like playing scrabble myself and will never forget the time i managed to start a game when playing with family at Christmas using all seven letters i started with which is 50 bonus points straight off the bat, the word incidently was Foreman.
Great thread, rev. Nice to see the girls different personalities manifest themselves in the game. Some great laughs, too.:b
Eeeh, you make me giggle, Dongo:D Of all the things that were highly inaccurate and actually impossible in the game and you pick the '7 letters in your tray' rule:21

You're also missing the fact that Teddy Babes make up their own set of rules for pretty much everything they do:D In a Manor-Patch production they could easily play 7 letters and miraculously create a 12 letter word:p

By the way, there is a continuity error built into the thread, can anyone find it???

Thanks for everybody's comments, it was fun to organize and shoot, fun to create and fun seeing your responses:tu I'm also glad it brightened up a miserable day for some of you:)