The Dark Grimoire


Golden Diamond Member
Where the book had originally come from is another story but how it came into Wulfies hands and what mischief it caused, well I’ll try to tell it here.
The book looked like any other dusty old tome and had a bland title of ‘EVERYBODY’S BOOK OF FATE AND FORTUNE’ but embossed into the leatherette cover were runes and the symbol. The title was a fake but what people didn’t realise was that no two readers saw the same content.


Wulfie had had a long day at the Auction, the bike that he wanted was the last Lot of the day, sods law decreed it. The machine was from a museum which in the current climate had been forced to close its doors and thus it’s collection fell under the auctioneers hammer. With it was a tea chest, half full of bits and pieces. The chest had been left at the rear of the Saleroom next to several piles of books, the remaining rubbish from a house-clearance, and a little old lady was having a good rummage, looking for that elusive ‘first edition’ whilst her hubby was waiting to bid on the last Lot of the day. While she poked around, her handbag brushed against the pile nearest the tea chest and the topmost book, the book in question, moved sideways and dropped silently into the chest where it took on the title ‘Motorcycle Engineering’.
Wulfies bike came up and for some strange reason no one bid against him and it was Wulfies maiden bid that got the machine....... and the tea chest.
The following day the bike and chest were duly delivered, the bike going straight into the conservatory whilst the chest was consigned to the shed. As he went to close the shed door Wulfie saw the book. This time the title had reverted back to EVERYBODY’S BOOK OF FATE AND FORTUNE’. He picked up the book and opened it, the words on the pages seemed to blur and move around the page, he closed the book quickly and took a deep breath. Wulfie knew that before the book was opened again, certain things had to be put in place so he took it and locked it safely away in his safe, or so he thought.


Agnetha “Jules, what time did Wulfie say he’d be home”
Juliet “Hmmmmmmmm tomorrow, I think”


Agnetha “Tomorrow........”
Juliet “Hmmmmmmm”
Agnetha “Where did he say he was going”
Juliet “Hmmmmmmm”


Agnetha “Jules Darling.......................... Jules...................................................”

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Agnetha ”Juliet...........................”


Juliet “Sorry Aggy, what did you say.........”
Agnetha “Where did Wulfie say he was going........... ”
Juliet “Oh, he had an invite to a housewarming party at the new peoples pad up the road. ”


Agnetha “Well I never, I didn’t think he’d go there after what he said about their taste in furniture, he said they were hippy weirdoes”
Juliet “Free booze and food.”
Agnetha ”Say no more..........................what is that book, noooooooooooo, no no no no. It’s that creepy book from the sale, isn’t it.”


Juliet “Just looking, I’ll put it back before he gets home, he’ll never know”

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Agnetha “You are going to get in soooooo much trouble, he said it was dangerous, now you’re in for it”


Agnetha “Put it back now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


“The Book, the Book, they opened the Book, Lizzie will be so pleased but if I take it for myself Lizzie will have to pay me heheheh and pay dearly.”


“Corrrrrrrr look at those tits............................................. Business and pleasure, pleasure first then sneak in and take the Book.”

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“Coooooooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrr, blondies got a nice pair tooooooo, I feel a stirring in my loins” frap frap frap.............


frap frap frap frap frap frap “Oh baby, first I’m going to screw the blonde.............” frap frap frap frap frap frap frap frap frap “Then it’s a length into red-dress...................” frap frap frap frap frap frap “Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes, yes , yes, then the blonde again, you’re going to meet Capt. Ohhhhhhhh............Ohhhhhhhhhhh “frap frap frap frap frap frap “ Gettttttttttt some Getttttttttt some, Ohhhhhhhh yes girls, I’m going to paint your windows................................Oh .................


“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh crap”




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Juliet “Did you hear a scream”
Agnetha “What scream, it’s your imagination and that horrid book, put it back in the safe now.”

to be continued......................
Ooohhh, this looks interesting. :cool:

Great pics, great girls, great start to a new Wulfie story. :)

Looks like the girls are well guarded too.

Looking forward to the next installment.

Weeheee!!!!!!! Great work! Love the camera angles!

I know Samurai was asking about Bonesy earlier today.

Maybe..... :confused: nah..... couldn't be.

Could it? :eek:
Oh! Wonderful!

I love it, especially the "Hound of the Baskervilles!" you take great pics of your lovely girls Wulfie. And the Book - just make sure no one passes you a bit of paper with runes on it - the film was on again a couple of weeks ago!
Nice one Wulfie

Loving this. Beautiful girls, a supernatural mystery, mindless violence, a predatory stalker, al fresco w**nking, great visuals, this is going to be an epic. Get the popcorn, hot dogs and Kia Ora in.

No Jen, I don't think it was Harry Potter knocking one out at the conservatory window.

Funny though, I always thought Wang King was a city in China.
Great story! Now the suspense is killing me.
"Please sir, I want some more!"

Love and kisses
The start of another great story and the girls look as lovely as ever.

What secrets does the book hold?
Who is the mystery peeping Tom lurking outside the conservatory?
Are the two linked?

I'm looking forward to the next episode.
Exelent as ever Mr. W! Superb pictures, brilliant story and my favourite girl (apart from my two that is) in all her glory. More soon more soon...;):)
Thanks Folks, intervals over soon...............:cool:
You'll have excuse the plot and the way my mind works:o