Hi all from the south east


Active New Member
Hi all
Recently bought a torso doll and really can’t get on with it so will be selling on here if a return isn’t accepted
That’s about it!
The sales section on this forum will open up to you ten days after registration and after you have made 10 posts.
Ah, OK thanks - yes I see what you mean - she is rather heavy...
I don't want to sound negative but its unlikely Lucid will accept her as a return if she has been used (however carefully)

If you are looking for a Torso have you considered the SoulMate or 6YE range? both are similar proportions to the one you have but scaled down a bit and quite a lot lighter at around 14KG much easier to handle. I have the 6YE version and bought her for just the same reason, she,s not exactly a "full size" experience but a lot of fun without the heavy/awkward lifting.
I sympathise with you as I like the BBW/plus size body type but its really difficult to find ladies that are large without being too heavy - even as a Torso version!
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Ah, OK thanks - yes I see what you mean - she is rather heavy...
I don't want to sound negative but its unlikely Lucid will accept her as a return if she has been used (however carefully)

If you are looking for a Torso have you considered the SoulMate or 6YE range? both are similar proportions to the one you have but scaled down a bit and quite a lot lighter at around 14KG much easier to handle. I have the 6YE version and bought her for just the same reason, she,s not exactly a "full size" experience but a lot of fun without the heavy/awkward lifting.
I sympathise with you as I like the BBW/plus size body type but its really difficult to find ladies that are large without being too heavy - even as a Torso version!
Yeah they are being less than cooperative 😅

I got it cause I love big boobs 😂 and they feel great but it’s just too much effort for 10 minutes of fun Yknow?
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Sales are to be conducted in the sales area once unlocked.

This thread is now locked.

Hi All, Just realised I foolishly asked someone about a price on a Torso he is looking to sell. I would like to apologise to Him and of course the Forum / sales management as of course all private sales should not be discussed in the wrong areas. Totally my Fault I should know better and I feel bad that I "encouraged" a new member to answer my question in the wrong area - I just got a bit carried away with my general enthusiasm for Torso ladies:wall SORRY
No worries, no harm done. :tu

Delaying new members access to the sales area is one tool we use to reduce members becoming victims of potential scams and puts the brakes on members potentially selling before they give their new adoptee a little more time to settle in.
Yes of course I totally get it - like all systems and precautions its there for very good reason - its me that is at fault - made the classic schoolboy error of opening my mouth (actually typing) before thinking!:no:
No worries my dude it’s all good :) I’m still learning so not sure of what’s what
Just hope I don’t get in too much trouble before I can get the hang of things here :)
Worry not. I'll make some tweaks when I'm 'back in the office' and the original thread will be unlocked.
Great Thanks - good to know there is no harm done,,, Keep us updated if you get a lighter lady and how you get on with her. Don't be too dis-heartened the weight caught me out too (I have the same lady with different head) and is often mentioned as the reason new owners look to re-home soon after purchase. Handling does get a lot easier with practice. Yes of course we can all see the weight in the specifications prior to purchase but its a lot different when you try to actually manoeuvre a large piece of TPE that doesn't have a designated "handle or lifting point" area!
Alrighty, buttons pressed, thread unlocked. Thank you gentlemen for making it simpler.

Part2, you have said she's a heavyweight. I'm just wondering if your circumstances dictate that she needs to be hidden, thus requiring moving, rather than her living in the bed?

If, after you have inserted human, you are finding the clean-up somewhat cumbersome, you might want to consider femidoms? They offer a scenario where minimum, if any clean-up is needed, thereby pretty much eliminating the need to move her around the house in such circumstances.

Femidoms should be cleaned and dried prior to first use, then talc or cornflour used on the outside to allow easier insertion, at which point, femidom+doll+lube+human can interact without mess. They can be re-used time and time again.

Yeah she’s having to live under the bed
Being disabled it’s a bit tough to get her out etc
In terms of future dolls I think I’ll just stick to masturbators rather than dolls
It’s more the weight and storage that like the other member said before it is mentioned but until you get it inhand you don’t realise how big and heavy they are! So I am going to have to move her on sooner rather than later
With the cleanup I haven’t… I dont know how to put this
“Sewn inside”
The one time I used the holes it was cleaning the lube out
They say they’re 15cm deep
They’re more like 30+ cm deep so getting in there is just too much effort hence the single use 😅
Drying too is a pain as I say not being able to leave her out to air dry I’ve used tampons and they worked great!
Still think its well worth you looking at the SoulMate or 6YE versions, I have 6YE and on paper she is half the weight of the YouQ but in reality she feels much less as she is so much more manageable. It would be a shame to discount Torso's due to one bad first experience of too heavy, Good Luck whatever you decide but let us know how you get on.......:D
Still think its well worth you looking at the SoulMate or 6YE versions, I have 6YE and on paper she is half the weight of the YouQ but in reality she feels much less as she is so much more manageable. It would be a shame to discount Torso's due to one bad first experience of too heavy, Good Luck whatever you decide but let us know how you get on.......:D

I’ll look into it but
Like I say it’s the clean up and storage that’s a big issue for me :)