Award Nomination - Philinotstine


Golden Diamond Member
The Award is in Memory of Wetsuit, sadly as a newbie I never met him because he was someone special on here but that's life. To the point, I would like to nominate Phil for the Silver Award for his work as a Mod with his fundraising 'A Poem' tipping the balance.
Since his joining the team he has worked to further the ideals of the Forum and keep it running, something that is not seen by the Members and being a Mod is something a lot of folks would never do because you can never keep all of the people happy all of the time.
The icing on the cake, not doll related for the Forum but something we should all think about was his 'A Poem'. Enough said on that as it's a great contribution to a worthy cause and a good reason to admire the skinhead for his altruism. It'll be better by the time the Meet comes around tho, but Phil......... "nice one".
Bloody 'ell! Gobsmacked. Thank you so much. All I can say is its a pleasure being here and a privalage both being on the forum itself and being a mod.:o:o:o:)
You deserve it.

Thanks Phil, you are one of the guys who keep things running and always have something interesting to view; much appreciated. Give the girls a pat too for their unflinching support.
Thanks Wulfie for Phil's nomination and thanks to all those who seconded, (or thirded, or fourthed :rolleyes:), and supported the proposal. :tu

A well deserved nomination and award for an outstanding forum member.

It gives me great pleasure, on behalf of the forum, to award philinotstine this Wetsuit Silver Star for his continued support both as a valuable member and as a moderator, where his input and effort is greatly appreciated. :b


Congratulations on your award Phil, :tu the small star below will now attach itself to your signature. The bigger one you could always use as a sunshade until your hair grows back. :D


Thank you all so much. Wulfie for the nomination rev for seconding and all you other great guys for your support and comments. I gratefully accept the honour and, although I too never had the privalege to meet Wetsuit ,I see from his old posts and the warmth with which he is remembered by members that did meet him, he was one hell of a guy, so in his name, thanks again.