Can you recommend a good courier service and safe measures for selling dolls in LD?


Bronze Member
Hey guys,

I'm planning to move so i need to sell or find a new home for my kimber doll as i can't take her with me.

I wanted some guidance on good couriers anyone's used (discrete etc) and a check list of things i should cover with the lock down things in mind before i put her up in the forum.

IE once boxed up how long should i leave her for, ways to make the box secure for shipment etc.

Cheers! :)
Take photos WITH your username and date BEFORE boxing her up.

UPS/FEDEX/TNT are fine.

Gaffer tape is your friend... :tu

Lockdown irrelevant if using a courier, but collection in person depends on your location.

Store box horizontal if possible, and nothing black!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Take photos WITH your username and date BEFORE boxing her up.

UPS/FEDEX/TNT are fine.

Gaffer tape is your friend... :tu

Lockdown irrelevant if using a courier, but collection in person depends on your location.

Store box horizontal if possible, and nothing black!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks! I've been going back on forth on this as i've not been using the doll for a while and really just need her gone ASAP.

What are the berst options for a quick rehoming? I found a few options such as disposing of her, recycling, finding a modern theater or a vendor that will take her.

Any options are welcome. I jusr don't have the energy levels to deal with her and even feel reluctant about selling, boxing and shipping her.

If someone could discretely come and collect her i'd be cool with that.:)
Given the restrictions coming in on Thursday, I feel that, for the next month at least, a courier would be the only option.

As Mr. H above asks, where are you?
Given the restrictions coming in on Thursday, I feel that, for the next month at least, a courier would be the only option.

As Mr. H above asks, where are you?

Thanks. Yeah those are my thoughts. The only other option is not one i will discuss here where other dolls frequent the forum! :no::whistle:

Lol! I'm in Leeds. :)