Rosina Is Open To Offers Sorry Suggestions


Silver Member

Whilst Rosina is quite pretty, in fact rather attractive, the consensus of opinion in the Ell house is that something is missing. Both Elina and Rosina are at a loss to decide what exactly, except it’s the ‘wow’ factor. I think the problem lies with the ‘Rose Petal Pink’ factory applied lipstick. I love the ‘blood red’ colour that Elina wears, it suits her personality, being somewhat boisterous and living every moment with gusto. The colour wouldn’t suit Rosina at all as she’s far more reserved. The question is what is the right colour to give her the ‘wow’ factor? The picture above is in ordinary light, the one below is with flash to highlight her green-blue eyes.


Thanks in advance.

The OR 26# head is a favourite of mine, I like the images I've seen with pink lips rather than red on the ORdoll website. their website is full of head number/photo mistakes.

Anyhow, Rosina is lovely just the way she is. I would get a lip gloss stick in pink similar colour to her lip makeup and apply it to her lips to make them shine, it does lose it's shine quickly, just keep applying it every so often.

The 26# looks stunning with her cheek bones emphasized with blush, difficult to describe.

Hope you don't mind.:o

Like that.
And then just lip gloss
As Mr. T says. Lip gloss and a bit 'o blush!

Or tell her she is special and it will occur naturally.

I'd also add that the wig is a bit 'non-descript'. Needs a bit of TLC.

Whiten the teeth.

Kill the flash - unless she needs a passport photo, and move those eyes! She will come alive.

Maybe the odd freckle too?

To my mind lighter matt lippy works. I might be tempted to change it to eye shadow which I alway think gives better quality matt lips.

On the rest of the face she has a bit of a golden glow about her that I think could be emphasised with brown blusher on the jowels and sides of the nose. I would avoid any red blushers with her as she doesn't look that sort of innocent rosy cheeked lass that red cheeks bring out of them.

Eye makeup looks good at the moment with blue/grey over and hint of brown under matched to a hint of brown over the blue/grey.

Would only take light touch makeup to make her look even better than she already looks in the pic with flash. :tu

Right, now to the OR site to spot these mistakes that Tommo talks of.... Its very sad what I consider to be fun :21
As others have said, a little darker round the eyes, not black, but browns would suit her as Tommo shows.

Im with AD as well, a darker pink, but definitely not red!

Thank you all for your suggestions. The right shade of Pink lippy is going to be a challenge... will have to go shopping.

I'd recommend getting a mixed pallete of eye shadows and then get a clear gloss to go on top. Powders are so much easier to apply unless your gavla82 who just has a natural skill with proper lippy