A black dress for Marissa


Silver Member
Soo, I put my efforts towards making a dress for the lovely Marissa recently.

It took a long time as I hand sewed it all like some crazy man and I knew black clothes + doll skin never goes well together so added a white inner mesh for protection, these 9 frames show most of the process.


But really, you want to see Marissa looking gorgeous, who doesn't right?
So, the day of fitting it on her arrived and, whilst the dress fitted, it wasn't great :(.



Sooo, I adjusted a belt down to cinch it all in and boom! Much better!




I really like that last picture :)

One final test though, did the mesh prevent colour transfer?



Turns out it did and damn Marissa looks fine inside it!

Now Sarah wants a dress, I'll make that in white I think!
That is a great dress and suits her perfectly, the belt breaks up the black perfectly and just adds to the ensemble:b and you hand-stitchinated it??? Sooo much patience but well worth the effort:tu

BTW, your kitchen looks as cluttered as mine often does:D
Thanks, I didn't hand stich the belt though that would be madness, even by my head hahaha!! I'm glad I thought to stitch it to adjust it down though, she gets a lot of attention all of a sudden :) (shiny butt :D )
Thanks, I need to get around to uploading my more recent Cosplay project I did last month sometime. I think it turned out really well, there's a few pics on Kaede's Insta in my signature also.