Hey all :) recommendations for a newbie?


Active New Member
Hey everyone!

So, I went ahead a few weeks ago and purchased my first doll out of excitement (LoveNestle Savannah) and unfortunately only really started coming across doll forums after the purchase/once my doll had been shipped. As soon as I started reading the more and more I read it was always ‘be careful of the weight’.

My doll arrived yesterday and my god, she is absolutely beautiful and hyper realistic but even though I knew she was going to be 29kg… I thought I could handle this but even just getting her out the box, I realised very quickly she’s going to be a little too much for me to handle. As I live with others, I came to the sad realisation very quickly that it will be almost impossible to own her realistically until I have my own place, so I have now decided I am going to sell her, sadly. I’ll be looking to put her up for sale once I have hit the privileges to post a sale! So keep your eyes peeled!

My question to everyone is, what first time buyer dolls to people recommend? I love the hyper realism of Savannah but need something a bit lighter although I was trying to go for the 1:1 size. Starting to wondering if this just won’t be possible without the doll then being heavy?

Thanks a bunch! Calex
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I believe you can get full-sized dolls at a lower weight, even if it'so nly by a few kilos, You can search for them on this criteria at https://www.the-doll-house.com/
Fab! Thanks for the reply Cyan! I’ll have a look through their website! I wonder if they do torso dolls as for now at least, I think this is what I’ll need to go for! Rather than a full sized.
29kg is already at the low end weight wise. Perhaps consider a torso doll?
Thanks for the reply algaeholics! Yeah that’s what took me by surprise, believe it or not she is actually a torso doll and I honestly thought 29kg would be fairly manageable. I mean don't get me wrong, if I lived alone it probably would be doable for sure but having a housemate I don’t think she will be! I think I’ll keep looking for a torso but maybe a little lighter! About 15-20kg. I guess I’d potentially not really get a 1:1 size for this weight.
Lots of torsos and body parts available now
With and without limbs to reduce the weight
Yeah I think that’s where I need to be searching. My current Savannah doll is pretty thick on her thighs which is lovely but maybe I need a fully legless doll! That would I imagine take a fair bit of weight off! I’ll try and post a pic of her!
This is the Savannah doll i received! She’s absolutely stunning. Unfortunately i went to wash her after getting her out the box and that’s when ive come to realise shes a little too big for me which is a shame!


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Give yourself a little longer to get used to the technique m8, as it's all new to you at this point
Knowing the centre of balance and where to lift from is key
Then it's a case of making sure to use your arms and legs to lift without straining your back

If that doesn't work out for you, a torso with shorter legs should be lighter
I don't really have much to add that hasn't already been said. 29kg is the weight of my full doll. But she is slender and 156cm. However she does seem to be a little heavier than that.

I was thinking the same. 29kg is fairly light, thinking full doll. But 29kg is probably more on the heavy side for a torso doll. There are some dolls with a reduced weight feature. Not sure if that is available with some torso dolls.
Give yourself a little longer to get used to the technique m8, as it's all new to you at this point
Knowing the centre of balance and where to lift from is key
Then it's a case of making sure to use your arms and legs to lift without straining your back

If that doesn't work out for you, a torso with shorter legs should be lighter
Awesome! Thanks for the advice mate! I can’t post her up for sale for a few days so between now and then I’ll see how it goes and if I’m able to get used to the weight of her/understand how to move her about! I’m kinda small myself so that doesn’t help 😂 I’ll see how it goes!
I don't really have much to add that hasn't already been said. 29kg is the weight of my full doll. But she is slender and 156cm. However she does seem to be a little heavier than that.

I was thinking the same. 29kg is fairly light, thinking full doll. But 29kg is probably more on the heavy side for a torso doll. There are some dolls with a reduced weight feature. Not sure if that is available with some torso dolls.
Yeah it’s funny right?! I guess 29kg but spread across this big is what took me by surprise I guess! On paper I was the same, thought it wouldn’t be an issue but hey Ho!�� definitely glad I got her even if it has been the wrong move for now, at least it’s really opened my eyes and been exactly what I needed to understand dolls.

Ooo that’s great to know! I’ll see if there are torsos with this feature! It’s funny that I’ve done more research after buying rather than before buying… that was a rookie move but it has put everything into perspective of what I could actually handle!
29kg is definitely manageable but it's new to you so it's bound to take a bit of getting used to. Just keep working on those muscles, do some weight training if you need to, make sure to protect your back, and you'll soon get the hang of her.

You'll take a massive loss if you decide to sell her on so you may as well stick with it for a few months. Fun time with a doll when you're used to the weight can be a LOT of fun but you need to be patient with yourself.
Weight will always be an issue even the reduced weight dolls are still around high 20s.
As you say your short then look at the Sugarbabe Dolls 148s they are only 25kg, as other have said everybody is wee bit shocked by weight at the start but you do get use to it,
My 1st doll was 25kg and I was shocked I'm now proud owner of a 39kg girl and pretty use to it..
I just pull her arms in and give her a bear hug to move.
Hi Calex

My three TPE ladies are 40kg, 36kg and 31kg. It takes practice but you can learn to move them once you establish their centre of gravity and develop a good technique.
My first doll, Harper, is 36kg and getting her out of the box and upstairs gave me the best workout I’d ever had! But now I’ve learnt that with her, if I carry her in the ‘bridal’ position (one arm under her bent knees, the other under her back, with her arm over my shoulder) I can shift her around quite comfortably.

However, I’ve still looked at lighter dolls. I know some manufacturers are doing weight reduction models but I’ve read about concerns the quality of the inner core isn’t so good.
But I’ve also found that TAYU dolls are much much lighter in weight. I have one on my wish list which is 150cm and 19kg!

Whatever you decide on, owning dolls can be great fun.
Good luck.
29kg is definitely manageable but it's new to you so it's bound to take a bit of getting used to. Just keep working on those muscles, do some weight training if you need to, make sure to protect your back, and you'll soon get the hang of her.

You'll take a massive loss if you decide to sell her on so you may as well stick with it for a few months. Fun time with a doll when you're used to the weight can be a LOT of fun but you need to be patient with yourself.
Thanks for the reply! Yeah absolutely I’m going to see how it goes with her and see how I find her as I can’t actually put her up yet. It’s reassuring how many do say it just takes getting used to! My other issue is my housemate which I knew from the get go so not really sure what I was thinking lol! I guess I didn’t consider the effort of cleaning a doll this weight.

Yeah that’s my biggest worry, I’ve come to terms I’ll definitely take a pretty big hit on what I’ve paid for her but that’s my only hesitation waiting a few months is that currently she only 2 days old and brand new (other than being washed) so wondering if she’d be easier to sell currently and maybe help me claw back a little bit more than if I come to sell her in a few months.

Yeah it’s so reassuring hearing everyone’s advice though! Looking forward to being a new owner where it’s with this girl or another one for the time being but definitely can see me getting into wanting full sized ones once I have my own place!
Weight will always be an issue even the reduced weight dolls are still around high 20s.
As you say your short then look at the Sugarbabe Dolls 148s they are only 25kg, as other have said everybody is wee bit shocked by weight at the start but you do get use to it,
My 1st doll was 25kg and I was shocked I'm now proud owner of a 39kg girl and pretty use to it..
I just pull her arms in and give her a bear hug to move.
Hey Mac,

Yeah it’s defo been eye opening today the least! Thanks for the recommendation on the shorter dolls I’ll for sure look into these!

It is amazing hearing everyone’s stories on how shocked they were at the start, I guess as I become more experienced with dolls that will always stick with me now! Oh wow 39kg!? It’s really reassuring that it’s hopefully just a matter of time and getting used to then!

Thanks mate, looking forward to it!
Hi Calex

My three TPE ladies are 40kg, 36kg and 31kg. It takes practice but you can learn to move them once you establish their centre of gravity and develop a good technique.
My first doll, Harper, is 36kg and getting her out of the box and upstairs gave me the best workout I’d ever had! But now I’ve learnt that with her, if I carry her in the ‘bridal’ position (one arm under her bent knees, the other under her back, with her arm over my shoulder) I can shift her around quite comfortably.

However, I’ve still looked at lighter dolls. I know some manufacturers are doing weight reduction models but I’ve read about concerns the quality of the inner core isn’t so good.
But I’ve also found that TAYU dolls are much much lighter in weight. I have one on my wish list which is 150cm and 19kg!

Whatever you decide on, owning dolls can be great fun.
Good luck.
Woah so all pretty decent weight dolls! Again it’s reassuring to hear! Yeah that’s literally how I felt when I was even just taking the delivery box she came in upstairs! I think that’s when my first thought of ‘what have I done’ cropped into my head haha! Then when I washed her I was like well damn, have I bitter off more than I can chew haha! But it’s all fun!

I’ve definitely found myself trying to carry her and manoeuvre her in different ways, and some I have now found to be much easier than others! Thanks for the heads up on quality concerns for weight reduction dolls! I’ll do a bit more looking into it! I’ll have a look at TAYU too!

Thanks mate! I’ll see how it goes!
I realize you are considering selling, but if there is no skeleton in the legs, could you perhaps shorten them and probably lose a good 8+kg?