Cooking at GHP


Gold Excellence Member










Fantastic Naga. So well done I can almost taste it. You are an excellent cook Naga and you look fabulous as well. Beautifully photographed; you should have a TV show
Sadly, the only time Kat goes into thekitchen is to get some drink out of the fridge.
Very well done, a great post.
:eek: dollies can cook :confused:

my girls refuse to do anything they all say they are ladies of leisure:(

Great job Naga :tu:tu :D
Naga darling, if you want to flit across to the Lair, you'd be most welcome :D damn that curry looks good:drool:drool:drool:drool
In hindsight Pagan Moon was either across Agnetha or Juliet and avoided the kitchen altogether :(

Wonderful! Great pictures, nicely step-by-step documented cooking instructions - I bet even I could follow them without boiling over the water kettle :D

Naga, you do know that mouse meat HAS to go with garlic, don't you? :cool:
Scratina, remind her of that should she forget...

On a side note: Snaky wouldn't mind some mouse meat, I'm sure. Maybe I shoud try to get Snaky on a vegetarian diet?

However, have a nice weekend, I bet since I'm that late there's nothing left of that tasty food?
CU cuddly
Well done Naga and little furry creature, Looks good enough to eat, you can cook for me anytime and wash it down with a Bloody Mary after......:D

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Oooh great job, Naga, you have made my mouth water now...a bit like when you see a hot throbbing vein in someone's neck:eek::p


What is that in the background?


MOUSELINE??? Sounds like some food made from mouse meat!!!:D
Well done Naga, the food looks delicious.

There is one curious thing that has me puzzled though. When I make curry I always like to put in plenty of garlic (ail), but Naga doesn't use any. I wonder why? :21
Thanks Naga

Very interesting cookery lesson, I'll add it to my repertoire, makes a change from baked beans on toast, for me anyway.

I hope this will be a regular show, I'll be tuning in and learning to cook. Maybe I can make my Mother your curry!

Great story
Hi Kat, your wife is a countess, she don't have to make the cook...:no:

Yes, we can, Dollman... But olny when we want. :taunt

The curry is very good Wulfie... Minato's mother likes it a lot :drool

The garlic is not a problem Cuddly, the garlic taste can be. :mad: I make Curry when i want, but you are a bit far...

I never taste Bloody Mary Sam...:confused: Why not?

Don't worry Phil, i'm still here... :twisted:

Revol... :wtf I can be a very nice girl too... Yes, Mouseline is a low fat food for mouses, called Mouse Slim in Uk... :D

My curry is strong enought, Gen, so garlic is not needed. But, garlic is not forbidden. :cool:

It's a second hand wig M Dongo, short, perfect for everyday use. :)

You can make the curry one day before Loverboy, it's better :twisted: Don't forget, taste the mix, moderate heater, and taste the food... I have one very easy children friendly receipe too, garlic inside... One day maybe... :D
Superb shoot Minato. Certainly got my belly rumbling and always a treat to see the lovely Naga. :b

The new DEL 4000k bulbs provide a more white light and and more powerful. Camera speed is about 1/15s, 1/20s, the lens is stabilized, so i can avoid too dark, or too yellow backgrounds. :D
Next time she should bake a cake and get it to rise on the forum :D, sure was great pics: and story, well done :)

I know Uk food and French food are a bit different, but i thank the curry receipe was perfect, because it's simple, tasty, and... Not French... :no: :D

A cake... :wtf I don't know... Why not... :rolleyes: