A tired elf ( A true story )

For real

Gold Member
Been a loong weekend helping hooman on Idomes.


Been posing to show off this new neck bolt so that we can sell some and make something called money.


Hooman has to give money away to greedy people who let us use something called electric and gas and this not leave enough for cloths and fingernails any more.

We think our fingernails are been stollen in the night when we are busy snuggling hooman and not paying so much attention to them. As everytime we notice one missing we can never find it.

Aurora found some very pretty fingernails when she was downstairs on the internet window. But the blue card was not working so we could not make them come. We asked hooman why the blue card was not working but he said we had to pay Bills.


We hope Bills does not visit again We are looking for a bad luck spell to put on bills.


We would like to share our poses with the new neck bolt that we are very proud of.



We are hoping that hooman makes us some neck bolts so we can keep them and take more pictures. We even said he could buy a new camera because we like taking pictures and hooman is useful for this, We just hopes he gets better at it.

We also would like to thank Tommo10 for all his work so that we can share our story.
Just for reference Andeea is a WM302 on a 157B body.

I am not sure if this is of any help but I think if we leave a reference under picture posts it might help Tommo10 out a bit.
Hoomuns cannot ignore Bills, they get out of hand.

Good luck with your spells though. You may wish to sell those spells if you find a combination that works. :tu
Do you have any pricing, availability and how the bolts fit, had a (quick) look and couldn't find anything here on the SS UKLDF
Do you have any pricing, availability and how the bolts fit, had a (quick) look and couldn't find anything here on the SS UKLDF

Currently they are £40, If you order more then 1 at a time there is a discount. And they are a Quick Release to a M16 thread. price incudes UK shipping. Lead time is currently 2 weeks. It might very depending on how many is ordered.
Your poor elves needs to rest.
When I remember who said they had some spare quick release bolts, I'll come back to you about the M16 to M8 conversion. And put me down for one of your new bolts.
Cheers, For real
Your poor elves needs to rest.
When I remember who said they had some spare quick release bolts, I'll come back to you about the M16 to M8 conversion. And put me down for one of your new bolts.
Cheers, For real

Will do Andyman.
I spoke to bills but all he did was take my money:mad:
I think I drunkenly slurred to you that I would like to order a couple puhleeeeaaase:)

PS. Love the pics.
Hi Andeea,

The Elves all agree that you were looking good in your new modelling role at the weekend bab. :tu

There is a queue here for the magic neck connectors but as they come from you I'm prioriitising the requests from Squirrel, Newt and Faun... They have also given up their bodies for a month to allow the Russian girls (Natasha, Natalia and Svetlana) to spend some time off the shelf... Actually, Sveta is never on the shelf but the two #273's very unfairly have to spend time there.

I've had the conversation about Bills with the Elves before as they cannot see why when there is quite obviously still money in the bank why am I not inviting every Elf that Jinsan can capture until the gold is all gone.

After explaining to them how we live, for a moment they all looked blankly at me before Crocus decided that Electricity, Gas and Water were actually extortion rackets, and Council Tax is going back to the Feudal system of paying money for nothing or you get thrown in a dungeon.

I tried to explain that the Council does do stuff with the money... Blank looks again followed by... "So what is your King and the palace at Westminster for?".

That was all followed by discussion about laying seige to the Coun-cil robber Barons and mounting their's and their serfs heads at the gateway of our stronghold to discourage any other Feudal lords trying similar in the future.

I went to disagree with them but actually, I do think that they do make a good point.... Sometimes I think that Elves and Drow are not as different as they try to make out.

As for the fingernail cunnundrum, it's actually a variant of the socks spell in that for each sock or fingernail that disappears another coathanger will appear in the wardrobe. Apparently its a pssive spell so you may not even realise that you are doing it. The reason it happens at night is because when you dream about clothes thats when another coathanger would be needed.

Personally I've not had a matching paiir of socks since the Elves arrived but at the same time , I've also not bought a coathanger for years. :tu
Hi Andeea,

The Elves all agree that you were looking good in your new modelling role at the weekend bab. :tu

There is a queue here for the magic neck connectors but as they come from you I'm prioriitising the requests from Squirrel, Newt and Faun... They have also given up their bodies for a month to allow the Russian girls (Natasha, Natalia and Svetlana) to spend some time off the shelf... Actually, Sveta is never on the shelf but the two #273's very unfairly have to spend time there.

I've had the conversation about Bills with the Elves before as they cannot see why when there is quite obviously still money in the bank why am I not inviting every Elf that Jinsan can capture until the gold is all gone.

After explaining to them how we live, for a moment they all looked blankly at me before Crocus decided that Electricity, Gas and Water were actually extortion rackets, and Council Tax is going back to the Feudal system of paying money for nothing or you get thrown in a dungeon.

I tried to explain that the Council does do stuff with the money... Blank looks again followed by... "So what is your King and the palace at Westminster for?".

That was all followed by discussion about laying seige to the Coun-cil robber Barons and mounting their's and their serfs heads at the gateway of our stronghold to discourage any other Feudal lords trying similar in the future.

I went to disagree with them but actually, I do think that they do make a good point.... Sometimes I think that Elves and Drow are not as different as they try to make out.

As for the fingernail cunnundrum, it's actually a variant of the socks spell in that for each sock or fingernail that disappears another coathanger will appear in the wardrobe. Apparently its a pssive spell so you may not even realise that you are doing it. The reason it happens at night is because when you dream about clothes thats when another coathanger would be needed.

Personally I've not had a matching paiir of socks since the Elves arrived but at the same time , I've also not bought a coathanger for years. :tu

Andeea here
It really is a shame that there is no spell to change coathangers back into socks and fingernails. We would be using this spell all the time.

We don't think much of the King. We find it hard to see good in his heart. Times are changing and not for the better we fear.

All we know is Bills are bad and they stop us all been together and take away the simple things that make life pleasurable.
Lovely pics of Andeea. Look forward to seeing what you do when you get your new camera :tu[/QUOTE

Well one thing it will inspire me to take more pictures so I hope to get a bit better at it. And the other thing is efs love attention so if all the pictures are of them I might get to enjoy been human more.
Aww, bless them, not surprised they are tired. Lovely photos.

The first BW in the set I got up at 5.00am to take as I wanted the natural lighting. Did not quite turn out as planned. It was at that point I thought I really need a new camera.

They have been working hard and are in need of a wash, Machining and dolls is not a good combination.

How are your legs??