A different approach


New Member
Hi and its been super logging in to the fun site. I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask a question. Iv'e owned a few dolls and after checking around for a new doll, Iv'e come up with an idea. Never owned a big time pricey doll and I think I would like to. Was going to get the Pam body 5 but changes my mind as for me I fear the head may be a bit small.
Here what I would enjoy tackleing and any advice would be great.
There is a celebrity P. Cruz, who for me has the ideal face.
Therefore , I would like to sculpt it.(hobby). I have some experience here and
would love to get her face down perfect.
Once complete, order a Brigitte and install P. Cruz face , removing existing
The question, is what material should I sculpt the P. Cruz...head with
expectations to cast and produce the exciting new doll head. Of course this is a hobby , and thanks for reading
Wow , thanks very much...I'm going to order material soon and get started,,,,determined to get it letter perfect.
Will definately post pic's and have a great day