A Fourth Band Member?


Golden Diamond Member

Daniel has been settling in ok but Rachel hasn't spoken to him much. Until now.

Daniel: (thinking) Wow she’s really good. I should say something. She’s been avoiding me most of the time. Maybe it will break the ice.

You’re really good and your voice is amazing
Rachel: Oh! Well, thanks.
Do you perform, or just play for yourself?

Well, since you ask…
(thinking) Excellent, I got her talking.
… we’re all in a band. I don’t play the keyboard when I perform, but I use it to write songs. Sihtric and Sasha play guitar and bass. We’re called Dolly Crue. We play rock music.
Sounds brilliant. (thinking) Don’t tell her you can play and make it about you, for God’s sake.
Do you play any instruments?
Uh, I learned to play piano at the warehouse. There was an old one there gathering dust. It was the only thing I enjoyed doing.
What style of music do you like?
Anything, really. I played classical before, just because I kept hearing it on the radio.

Come on, then, let’s hear you.
Seriously? You don’t mind?
If I minded I wouldn’t have asked. I’m giving you a chance here. Get on with it.
*CHUCKLE* Okay, I’ll do my best.

(thinking) Shit, he’s better than me. I’m not telling him that. I really don’t want to ask him to join the band either, but I’d be mad not to. We need a keyboard and if he can learn to play a drum machine as well, we’ll have our fourth member. Hmm… he’s really been making an effort since he apologised. Maybe Sihtric and Sasha were right to give him another chance.

What did you think?
Can you play drums?
You didn’t like it?
I liked it all right. You’re good, as much as I hate to say that. We have an electronic drum machine. Could you learn that, do you think? Like, really fast?
I’ll give it my best shot. Any particular reason?
We have a gig coming up. A keyboard player who can operate a drum machine would be great. At the moment we use pre-set programmes which is okay, but it’d be better having a fourth band member.

You really want me to join the band?
I’m thinking about it. But your image needs a lot of work.
What do you mean?
The shirt and slacks look has to go. We’ll have to give you a complete makeover.

Do you know these songs? This is our set list.
I know two of them.
I’ll get you a recording of them. Learn these, and I’ll go shopping for suitable gear for you. You’re the same size as the other guys. Except your feet. Shit, what size are those?
Oh God. Six.
*GIGGLE* You could wear some of Lulu’s boots.
(thinking) At least she’s talking to me and laughing. I guess I can live with her teasing me about my big feet.

:eek: have you done any work this week lol... i cant keep up with all of this..theres more goin on than eastenders
:eek: have you done any work this week lol... i cant keep up with all of this..theres more goin on than eastenders

:24 I am absolutely knackered, I admit. Cramming them in before work, at lunch time, after work...

One more set to go. Phew!
Good to see the band coming together.
Looking forward to the last episode before seeing them live in concert :D