A Princess story - Escape from the mists of madness

revoL annaerB

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Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock lived a life of luxury in her mother and father's castle, she had two lady consorts who were assigned to her every whim. They became good friends but it was always clear that Consuela was a cut above her underlings...this changed when a message from her father arrived...


"Your father sends a message for you and your lady consorts, you are to leave the castle immediately. There are unknown dangers heading toward the castle and all who remain shall succumb to madness. Your father and mother are safe and far far away, they are setting up a new kingdom and shall find you when the time is right"

"What is going to happen to us?" asked a scared Oma Fockengott, "Where do we go? I have not left the castle grounds since I was a child!"

"I don't yet know but I do know we leave now. Where is Holly? We must find her. Let's go!" replied Princess Consuela.

Consuela and Oma left the bedroom and hurried through the labyrinthine corridors of the castle in search for Holly.

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They found Holly in her favourite spot, chilling back in the conservatory. They gave a speedy recital of the Butler's message and they left the castle in a hurry.


They left the building through the main doors and shut them with a slam, they could see a mist in the distance and it was getting closer.

"It's the mists of madness, that was what the Jeeves was trying to tell us, we have to move fast." exclaimed Consuela and they ran across the castle lawns to the rear, the opposite direction to the mists.


At the back of the castle were more manicured lawns and perfect hedgerows. The girls were getting tired already but knew they didn't have time to stop yet, who knew how fast the mists were traveling.

They arrived at the hidden exit and stopped, looking down into the gloomy depths of the stairway they all felt a chill...they knew they would never be back here again. Holly was excited though, she had been wanting adventure away from the confines of the castle.


The trio descended the stairs and looked around, a strange and evocative aroma tinged the air.

"That is the mist you can smell," stated Consuela, "We need to keep going before we are sucked in, it's trying to tempt us into it's folds."

"How do you know all of this?" inquired Holly.

"It was told to me when I was a young girl, mother and father moved into the castle when the last mists faded, that's how they got the castle and became King and Queen."

After many many miles of traveling Consuela halted, it was now safe to look back and see what was happening back there, they found a nice high vantage point and looked back.

The entire castle was surrounded by the poisonous mist, there was no return.

Further down the road they could see how the mists were thinning out, they were escaping it's clutches at long last.


Consuela and Holly discussed where they were going to go while Oma cried for the life she had lost. Consuela knew that emotions would have to wait, she had to get them somewhere safe and Holly's adventurous nature could be an asset.

Holly, although resourceful and adventurous, was easily distracted. All of a sudden she shrieked with excitement and wonder.





After that interlude they concluded that it was time to move on, as night closed in Holly spotted a barn where they could sleep, they were all so tired.


After much umming and arrghing about the poor condition of their habitation for the night something stopped all consideration and pushed them forth into the shed. Lightning struck!


The exterior belied the cosy hay-filled interior, sleep would come easy in here after such a long day.


The girls settled down for the night and as a Princess should, Consuela had her own private quarters where she snuggled down deep in hay.

The next day...

The sound of the dawn chorus awoke our intrepid trio and also told them they had traveled way beyond the effects of the mist.

The lack of breakfast in bed and other luxuries didn't phase Consuela, Oma or Holly one bit, in fact, they were spurred on by their survival of a night away from the castle and they set off early down the country lane and away from the barn discussing what to do next.

"Okay, what do we need to do next? Any ideas where to go and what to do now would be most welcome." prompted Consuela.

"We need to stock up on supplies or we'll starve to death and I really don't want to kill some poor creature, I'd just die." sighed Holly.

"Ever the drama queen, but she is right," stated Oma, "We need to look out for a farm, I've heard they often have a shop to sell some produce."


A mile down the lane they came across the very thing they were searching for, a farm shop. Two lovely ladies served them with amused looks on their faces, never before had they had such confused customers who had no idea what to buy and the fact that one of them was dressed as if she were a princess made it all the more surreal for them.


When it came to money they had no idea at all and tried to pay ten times the cost of their groceries but it was a very honest farm and they wouldn't take a penny more than the bill.
They arrived at a crossroads with a direction sign, this didn't help matters...


"Oh dear, this is no good. I'm perplexed." announced Holly.

"What does it all mean?" asked a bewildered Oma.

"Fucked if I know!I have no idea" said Consuela with a puzzled look on her face.

"Well we aren't following that sign" said Oma pointing to another sign down the south facing lane.


"We have to go somewhere and it's the only sign that makes any sense." said Consuela with an air of finality.

It wasn't such a long walk after all, the thickets surrounding the narrow walkway soon opened out onto a paved area and in the middle of it was...


"At last, we can travel without hurting my feet anymore." said Oma with obvious relief.

And without further ado they clambered onboard. The engine started with a roar of antiquated diesel power and off they went headed for god only knew where.
After a few minutes Holly's imagination kicked in.

"Buses do sound angry, imagine if they had arms, how strong they would be...and dangerous!"


"Oh Holly, you are silly. That could never happen." said Consuela in a slightly condescending tone and everyone lapsed into their own thoughts.

Eventually they arrived at the bus stop and they got off to a horrific sight, shattered glass all over the floor...vandals, something never seen within the castle walls. This really brought home how much had changed in their lives.

"Holly, don't break down now," said Oma in an effort to stem the tears ready to burst out of the younger lady, "we must be strong, we can do this, we will find a new castle with nice people."

After calming Holly they set off away from the damaged bus shelter looking for a way to leave this rough neighbourhood speedily.

Holly noticed something in the distance and getting closer.

"Oooh, a pink bus, let's try that one. How can a pink bus be dangerous?" asked Holly in an excited voice.


It got closer and stopped right next to them as if a bus stop had magically appeared there. One step in the bus and they knew something wasn't quite right.

They gave up on public transport and after walking a short way Consuela suddenly had an epiphany.

"My daddy often spoke of a friend of his named Lizzie, he spoke fondly of her and I'm sure she lives around here somewhere."

It didn't take long to find the crowds surrounding Lizzie and Consuela did her best effort at getting her attention.


It took a while to get Lizzie on her own and she met them in the gardens. Holly told her all about their escape from the mists of madness and how they were looking for a new castle to live in.


Lizzie gave it some thought and her face lit up.

"Why, one knows exactly the place you seek although it is a manor house, not a castle. A pleasant couple live there with a dog, not a corgi though and always getting up to dickins."


The ladies were ecstatic at the news of a possible new home and questioned Lizzie for ages. The icing on the cake was that Lizzie agreed to get them there with haste.

Luxury was restored, at least for now, and the car hummed along the motorway with a police escort until if finally stopped outside...the manor.

They got out of the car and thanked Lizzie for all her help, after kisses all round they headed up the path leading to the doorway of the manor.


As they approached the entrance butterflies fluttered over the perfect lawns and their nerves were jangling like some discordant tune.


Consuela lifted the large and heavy knocker and rapped it sharply on the door, they heard it echo throughout the hallway inside and then silence.

"Maybe no-one is home, maybe we were wrong." moaned Holly.

"Don't give up hope until we have tried every avenue." Consuela said hoping to lift Holly's dampened spirit.

"Try again, consuela, knock again." said Oma.

She did and this time they heard loud footsteps on a hard wood floor, but it didn't sound like a human, it sounded like a dog...or more accurately, a Dawg!
revoL was at work all day when they arrived, Breanna delegated the task of opening the door to Dawg.


"Bleedin' Nora, I got stuff to do, you know, busy dawg 'ere." complained Dawg.

"Just get the door pleeeaaase and I'll give you a big sloppy kiss!" retorted Breanna in an over-nice tone.

"I'll gerrit, keep yer wig on."

"Tasteless as ever, my cuddly wuddly snuggly..."


"Hee hee"

Dawg entered the bedroom and saw a strange sight.


"Whatchoo doin' wiv revoL's clobber on?"

"Never mind that now, who was at the door?"

Breanna and Consuela had a long conversation about the journey when a bond between the two ladies developed.


Consuela begged Breanna to let them stay at the Manor, she was desperate but also actually liked Breanna's home. Breanna melted with the pleas of the little princess, how was she to say no? She couldn't, simple as that.


"Oh no, I forgot. My lady consorts are waiting outside in the grounds." said Consuela.

"Well, you had better get them in then." replied Breanna.





PS - Breanna wasn't in trouble at all, in fact revoL was only too happy to help out and gave them a shelf to call their own.

Very well done Revo, must have taken you ages to put that together.
I nearly spilt my tea when that little bird told them to "fuck off" that was priceless :24