A Strange Tale - Now with Pictures.

Cyber Ted

Legendary Member
A Strange Tale


Inspired by “Strange Stories from Liaozhai’s Studio” by Pu Songling.

A Strange Tale - Part 1

Today has been weird. First of all, under the letterbox, I find a strange letter, postmarked Hong Kong, with Chinese writing and strange symbols written under the Tower's address.

Inside was a sheet with more Chinese writing (a bit smudged) and below that were some very strange symbols. :confused:

I didn't have time to deal with it this morning so I left it to the Teddy Babes to investigate. I gave them a laptop, the one that has paypal blocked. (Been there, done that, .....they bought the tee shirt(s).)

Anyhoo, long story short, I'd forgotten all about it at work but when I got home I was met by a grinning Coral.

The bizarre conversation went something like this:

We've sussed it. She said, waving the envelope towards me.

Oh! I asked, while making a cup of tea and feigning disinterest.

It was really difficult, we had to get help.

Really? I sipped my tea while looking for a digestive or two, ....none, ....damn it looks like Krystal found my secret biccie stash. :mad:

Yeh, the top bit is Chinese and says they are sending us a tent, which we have to look after.

:wtf Say what, ....a tent, ....in the middle of Winter?

Yep and it's not just any tent, it's a Native American one.


MmmHmm, this line here translates as "Care and Use of your Native American Tent ...." and then we can't decipher the last bit as it's smudged. It took us all day to get this far.

Err, are you sure, how did you translate this Coral?

It was tough, we had to use the translator built in to Gargoyle.


.......Oh you mean Google?

NO, Gargoyle, Silly, we had to use Vicalyn's Vampire PC, it has access to the Night Web and can operate and translate things that no mere 'muggle' (Coral loves Harry Potter) computer could work with. Vicalyn thinks the bottom symbols are magic.
She and Suki are down in the dungeon checking them out right now,
she added in a whisper, nodding her long blonde curls. :eek:

So let me get this straight, ...it's daylight, and Vicalyn is awake, ...you have spent the entire day using her weirdo computer to translate a letter from Hong Kong, ...I'm to expect delivery of a tent, ...and a vampire and a mermaid are down in the dungeon using a program called 'Gargoyle' to translate 'magic' writing from China??

Yes, that's right, she nodded, smiling again.

See I told you it was a weird day, even for the Tower this constitutes 'Strange'.

I think I'll have a stiff whisky,

........now where did I leave the Grouse Bottle???




MANDY........!! :mad:

To be continued ;)

We're all agog! Well half agog any way..

It sounds to me you're about to receive the delivery of a Chinese WigWam - Sorry! Er Tepee (is that what you call 'em now? Don't want to get done for colonial era arrogance so please don't report me anyone).

We demand you and your girls keep us informed....
Intriguing...and a little confusing:confused:

Looks like you'll have somewhere to live if lightning strikes and destroys the Tower:D
MmmHmm, this line here translates as "Care and Use of your Native American Tent ...."

Oooh Goody, another of Mr. Ted's mysteries. :)

Let's see...

..."American Native Tent"...


...wig Wham... ...Wham Wig.


...Wham! wigs

Mr. Ted has ordered George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley wigs from China for all the Tower denizens!

Definitely sounds like a strange thing to do, but I guess the bear knows what he's doing. :confused:

Ruth ;)
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All very curious and more than a little surreal. Who buys a Chinese teepee in the depths of winter and why? What were the Sioux doing in Hong Kong anyway? Daytime vampires surfing Gargoyle and vanishing biscuits. You haven't been at the potcheen again CT? We wait in rapt anticipation.
very interesting developments, I think somebody goofed in the translation. what happened to the biscuits? carly and I wait with bated breath for more.
could there be another girl showing up at the tower?
carly and carlys_guy
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We're all agog! Well half agog any way..

It sounds to me you're about to receive the delivery of a Chinese WigWam - Sorry! Er Tepee (is that what you call 'em now? Don't want to get done for colonial era arrogance so please don't report me anyone).

We demand you and your girls keep us informed....

Yep, same here! Lian is all jittery end excited, and I am not much less so!
IMHO Paul has given an essential hint here! Tepee - hehehe...
Girls, kick some shipping company's a$$es and don't keep us waiting too long! :no: Oh and, before I forget: O.c. PICTURES, please. :p

CU cuddly and Lian
A Strange Tale - Part 2

Things are getting stranger.

Over the weekend the girls have split into two teams, one working on the smudged Chinese writing and the other on the strange 'magical' symbols.

It's keeping them busy and to be honest I'm enjoying the peace.

They were still working away at it when I left for work this morning. On my return Coral was again waiting, fit-to-burst with a new development she wanted to be the first to tell me about. I'm as intrigued as they are but it's fun pretending I'm not. :twisted:

The conversation went something like this:


Hi Coral X

We've made a development.

Have you really?

Yes, in fact both teams have discovered something.

Oooh do tell.

Well, the Chinese writing team thinks that they may have got the translation a bit wrong to start with, as they've also translated bits that talk about a cream box and special glue. They think that it might be about a special container of some sorts.

Ooh that sounds interesting, will the tent be in the box then?

No silly, we're not sure about the tent now, they're trying to work out what the smudged bit could be.

Oh OK. :confused:

Yeh, and the magic crew in the dungeon have also deciphered some bits and pieces. They found mention of a mystical thing and 'two heads', they think it's talking about an ancient myth of a magical two headed creature.

Oh I see, is this a Native American Myth, who'll live in the Tent?

No, Jeez are you even listening? We're not sure about the Tent or the Native American bit now.
She rolled her eyes, shook her head in despair at my obvious dimwittedness.

Oh OK. :confused: :confused:

There's lots more to decipher yet but its taking ages cause Gargoyle keeps going on a go-slow when the sun goes down and all the Vamps log-on.


What we think is that a specially sealed, Cream, ancient Chinese box containing a mythical two headed creature is on its way to the Tower.

Oh OK. :confused: :confused: :confused:

Amber says its been fitted with a tracking device so that we can follow it but the last we've heard of it was that it was in Kowloon, after that it just vanished. She contacted HQ who said to keep watching the trace as sometimes special things from China vanish only to reappear days later somewhere in Europe, they're not quite sure how it works but suspect that there may be magic at work here too. They said to keep a special look-out towards the end of the week as sometimes these things materialise at their destination without any warning.

Right....., so correct me if I'm wrong, but what you're saying is that I have to keep a look out for a Cream coloured ancient Chinese box that might materialise at the Tower at the end of the week and may contain a mythical two headed creature.

Yes, that's it, she nodded.

Is it dangerous?

Ehhh, what? Oh, .......I don't know, I'll have to go and ask.

You do that, I think I need a drink.

Good job I hid the JD after the Grouse incident.



MANDY!!! :mad:

To be continued.

Two heads, what has two heads? TWINS.

Which means that Sam has sent off the twins to live at The Tower..and....errr....sent them via......China:confused:

Okay, maybe not:wall