I'm a teddybabe missing !!


Old Timer




Nothing at all sweetcheeks i just brought you a tv in case you get board reading or whatever it is you do all day in here.



Hey you haven't seen Darlene recently , have you ?


I have searched everywhere for her, except ! Wait a minute i have not looked in here. You would not be hiding her from me would you ? Let me look in there !


Out of my way Sandie !


Yeah right, like i'm going to fall for that one, Now move !


To be continued !!!!
Well, I just checked, no blondes in my shed, just a lawnmower tied to the bikes by my garden hose (sure I coiled that properly...).
Just as well really, we've already run out of wardrobe space!
Lou-honey you're not feeling jealous are you? :D

Oh boy, looks like I caused trouble in paradise, (don't worry , it seems Nikki likes a good windup)
Nothing in my shed (oddly) but i reckon Darlene has taken Cindy's example and skipped out, they are sisters after all (check the drinks cabinet Sam)

As for Sandy not wanting you to look in the loo? is she one of those girls who doesnt flush????

Yikes! Do you think she could have stowed away in Mandy's box? Am I going to have two newbies to find food, shelter and clothes for? And jewelry? And presents? And where is she going to sleep? I reckon she's going to have to do a Norwegian Wood and sleep in the bath! :D
Yikes! Do you think she could have stowed away in Mandy's box? Am I going to have two newbies to find food, shelter and clothes for? And jewelry? And presents? And where is she going to sleep? I reckon she's going to have to do a Norwegian Wood and sleep in the bath! :D

If she did stow away in Mandy's box I'm sure you can fit her in. You know you want more Teddy Babes :)
I was thinking the same Frederick.
Maybe she want's in on a newly deluxe plushed out diggs.
I can't say I blame her, sounds awfully inviting over there, being spoiled buy Lulu, plushy pileups, flirting with Mr B, tee hee, lots of gossip sessions... Hmmm... I'm... err... just going... to pack, er have a snack!! A snack, yes, hmm... excuse me guys I, umm... (*High heels clip clopping into the distance).

Love Carly. xxx
Frederick you horror, stop putting ideas into people's heads! Carly, you little minx, you made me laugh so loud I woke up Mister_B, now I'm in trouble! :D A snack indeed! And what am I going to say to Pete when you turn up here? And what is he going to do without you when his back hurts, huh? Huh? :D No I've got a better idea! One of these days I'll just turf the whole crew out and send them over to yours for a holiday. Then they can bring back all the goss about kangaroos and moonshine and that huge bed and four by four over there. But would they ever want to come back? Hmm. :D
Oh go on, lower the tone! :D All right, I shall rephrase. The cardboard conveyance in which the new inmate of the pink palace, Miss Amanda Aurelia Hamilton-Smythe, otherwise known as Mandy, is traveling. There, is that better? :D Actually she should be here today. Woop woop!
What's all this about packing Mandy's box?! ;)

(Sorry I couldn't resist!)

Well now, I suppose it could have been a siliplush being shipped too,:confused: hmm...

Don't worry Lulu Bear, I cut Carly off at the :eek:... nah, I cant say that!
I headed her off :no:... no no that's no good either, uuum... Oh, I stopped her before she started to pack, it wasn't hard... well actually, that's not entirely true:slaphead... it wasn't "difficult", but strenuous none the less :o, let's just say it was mutually agreed she would stay.
The girls are more than welcome to visit anytime, I'll even sleep in the lounge (:wtf) they can all share me my huge one bed.:tu


I've looked everywhere, in the hopes she may have come downunder, but sadly, no! She would have loved it here too.

Love Carly. xxx
Eh yes, besides the bunny rabbits growing for the pan, and maybe a few mice, not much of a living thing to be found in our barn, plush or no plush.

We wonder where she might emerge again!

CU cuddly and Lian