Lazy Saturday Mornings


Part of the Furniture
Staff member

~ Lazy Saturday Mornings ~

~ Jessica Louise Plushington ~
~ Cinderella Snugglesworth ~

Saturday Mornings really are a time of general peace, quiet and laziness here at The Patch. Earl and Norris are usually out on their business, the cat is off terrorising the local rodent population and Cindy and Jess are content to let the morning slip away as they snooze in the morning sunshine


The most energetic thing they do is turn over


Until today.








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So in fact its been a very busy morning at The Patch today. Odd how wanting a few pics of the girls in their new knicker shorts turns in to a mammoth task. I totally blame Revol :p

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Excellent. :b

Right, this battery thing keeps happening way too much up at the patch. We need to start a whip round to make sure you have a never-ending supply of duracells thus ensuring that no more naughty bits are missed. :drool

Great thread and great start to the weekend. :D :tu

Oh... and nice knickers. :)

She is a little terror is Cindy, seems these slightly smaller teddybabes make up for their size in others ways and i have just agreed to Gail's demands for bringing in another!
You think you have camera problems? mine is probably going to implode when Gail and her future lover start tearing up the place with shenanigens and love fests :happy

Anyways, another great little scenario :tu

Ps where does Earl and Norris go on Saturdays? and who made them?
Loved it. :tu Really nice pics and very well posed.

Yup, I take the blame...with pride, why tell a story with one pic when you can tell it with loads. :p
Ps where does Earl and Norris go on Saturdays? and who made them?

I never ask, and they never tell. Plausable Deniability :tu

As for who made them, Earls mother was called Dorothy and his dad was Earl Apeworthy, hence Earl being Earlson if you give him his full name.

Norris is Earls nephew through a convoluted sequence of events involving a banana, a flamingo, 4 assorted poptarts and an elestic band that fell off a time machine.

For a slightly more realistic version of Earls origins, check this thread out

Norris was donated to my son by friends who thought he should have an 'Earl' of his own. for may years he was Earl-2 but for the purposes of The Patch he needed an identity of his own.

I honestly have no idea who made them. i've never seen another quite like Earl.

Blimey Karrot you done a good job getting him cleaned up, he was absolutely covered in mud riding on the front of that 4x4
Hooray for plushy pillow fights! Now why didn't I figure out yet that Teddy Babes are ticklish? .. ... .... Oh, yeah, because mine gives me everything I want already :D
Welcome GFELube. :welcome :welcome

I was hoping you would stop lurking. :D

Now how's about getting that gorgeous little miss of yours to say hello over here too. :)

Well done Karrot for tempting Mr Jiffy out of lurkdom. :D :tu

Great stuff! :b

Good to see the girls having fun, but those camera batteries have a habit of failing at the most inopportune moments.
Love your ladies.

Always love your ladies - they look gorgeous as ever. The tousled hair is a great touch.
Teddybabes may not have an oral function, but the do give great bed head :24:24


Yeah ! when your feeling down trust Jess and Cindy to bring a smile and even laughter to your face, there are somethings i am not going to miss and there are some that i am, and this little Babe is most definatly in the top 3.


Thanks Karrot and keep up these stories, for these alone are worth logging in for. :tu
