"Like" Button


Gold Member
So in Ecobud's thread a mini discussion started regarding the introduction of a like button so rather than continuing it there I though I wold start a new thread so we can discuss the advantages and disadvantages of introducing this feature.

Now from my point of view this would be helpful as sometimes I'm too busy to reply but do appreciate a picture or even a comment. Others have expressed this too, Tommo, you agree! Dollman also mentioned not posting in the portraits thread because he didn't want to offend anyone by not commenting on their pictures. Again a like button could solve this dilemma for sure.

The only downside to introducing this function might be actually installing it. I've no idea how much it would take to do so and if all that effort is worth it? Tommo, thoughts?

I don't think be able to like pictures and comments would have any other negative impacts on the forum or it's usability but other opinions are welcome.

Let's discuss and try not to annoy each other this time!

Have we talked about this before or am I thinking of something similar over on TDF?
I can see arguements for and against.

Number one against of course is who would do it! But that aside....

If a button existed then people would get instant gratification but there would be no effort behind the approval.

Disapproval would be annonymous and one disapproval could cause more issue for a member than dozens of approvals.

Currently a lot of posts do get missed but they would be missed with a like button as much as a comment and the like means less. The recent posts staying recent longer would I feel do more for site interactions than a like button.

Like buttons also detract from social interaction as a quick click is not the same as building freindships and the comedic interactions on here.

All things cnsidered. Although things may be imperfect as not all posts that should be commented on are commented on, I would vote against change as what we have works without the issues associated with instant gratification.

I vote no change.

I personally think a "Like" button is a good idea, as I said over on Eco's thread.

I can't actually think of any real downsides :)
I am informed that the forum software is to be upgraded to an alternative and that any potential enhancements in the interim will not be undertaken.

In other words...

Hold 'yer horses!
I personally think a "Like" button is a good idea, as I said over on Eco's thread.

I can't actually think of any real downsides :)

Hiya PD,

we posted at the same moment. for downsides see my post.

All the best matey,

Oh Dear!:eek: I've started something here now :o :21

Unfortunately I don't have time to reply, had there been a like button I would have pressed it now. ;)
Hiya PD,

we posted at the same moment. for downsides see my post.

All the best matey,


Yes, I saw that :) You make some valid points regarding downsides. It did occur to me, upon reflection, that the "instant gratification" aspect could be an issue, and might move at least some people away from making a comment. It's the same with Facebook.

All the best
I admit having a "like" button would be helpful if folks are in a hurry and trying to catch up on their phones (me for instance, when I'm in my tent for a week and miss 500 posts while I'm gone).

But I agree with Shamus in that it might discourage people from actually commenting, even if it's only a few short words, and those words can often mean a lot in response to a comment or photo any of us have posted. Commenting also prompts responses from the original poster, and often then more interaction leading to friendships :)
Oh Dear!:eek: I've started something here now :o :21

Unfortunately I don't have time to reply, had there been a like button I would have pressed it now. ;)

Brilliant. You've managed to simultaneously advocate for the button and point out you've got no time to implement it. Well played sir.

I'm with Shamus too, this forum isn't vast like TDF where this sort of like button approach might be worthwhile. It'll never happen over there for reasons we all can relate to regarding how that place is or isn't managed!

The interactive element of everyone here makes this forum feel special and constantly strengthens that bond we have with each other.
I can see the points for and against it, one reason for it is something that hasn't been mentioned but probably happens a lot...you open a thread with many replies already there but you can't think of a reply that isn't virtually copying what someone else or many someone's has already said so there seems almost no point in posting an identical comment.

Many moons ago I ran a small Zetaboards (Doesn't exist now) forum and searched for coding to add a like button, the only code I could find included a dislike button, which I didn't want, so I did a sneaky minor modification to effectively eradicate the dislike button. What I found was the like button got used and comments were still posted by those who prefer the written word over a click, or those who had something to add and embellish on the topic, the like button did not render the thread stale.

There are threads where a like button would be very useful, such as the portrait thread where simply clicking a like button could leave the thread content as just the posted photos. I often want to show that I like a photo without spamming that thread with comments.

On the flip side, you can't tell from a click of a like button whether someone actually likes your content or comment, or are just being nice to everyone, and there could be times when someone doesn't get any like clicks and feels as bad as when they recieve few or no comments. A dislike button could also be abused if a member spits out his/her dummy for whatever reason and decides to dislike everything someone posts, I've seen that happen too.

There are other changes I would like to see besides a possible like button...
There are threads where a like button would be very useful, such as the portrait thread where simply clicking a like button could leave the thread content as just the posted photos. I often want to show that I like a photo without spamming that thread with comments.

That is actually a really, really good point.

I severely restrict my own commenting in the threads Allie and Maria, Tommo's Tardis Temptations, Tighes threads and the portraits thread as you know me. I have a this natural ability to take threads in a completely different direction (Its a gift :D).

For those sort of threads I can see the benefit of a like button. :tu
I can see the points for and against it, one reason for it is something that hasn't been mentioned but probably happens a lot...you open a thread with many replies already there but you can't think of a reply that isn't virtually copying what someone else or many someone's has already said so there seems almost no point in posting an identical comment.

Many moons ago I ran a small Zetaboards (Doesn't exist now) forum and searched for coding to add a like button, the only code I could find included a dislike button, which I didn't want, so I did a sneaky minor modification to effectively eradicate the dislike button. What I found was the like button got used and comments were still posted by those who prefer the written word over a click, or those who had something to add and embellish on the topic, the like button did not render the thread stale.

There are threads where a like button would be very useful, such as the portrait thread where simply clicking a like button could leave the thread content as just the posted photos. I often want to show that I like a photo without spamming that thread with comments.

On the flip side, you can't tell from a click of a like button whether someone actually likes your content or comment, or are just being nice to everyone, and there could be times when someone doesn't get any like clicks and feels as bad as when they recieve few or no comments. A dislike button could also be abused if a member spits out his/her dummy for whatever reason and decides to dislike everything someone posts, I've seen that happen too.

There are other changes I would like to see besides a possible like button...

:eek::eek::eek: My Evil Plot Foiled :o:o
Many moons ago I ran a small Zetaboards (Doesn't exist now) forum and searched for coding to add a like button, the only code I could find included a dislike button, which I didn't want, so I did a sneaky minor modification to effectively eradicate the dislike button. What I found was the like button got used and comments were still posted by those who prefer the written word over a click, or those who had something to add and embellish on the topic, the like button did not render the thread stale

I like this ;)

I think like buttons are great, they allow quick easy ways of showing appreciation for something and getting likes gives that little hit of dopamine and encouragement to the person receiving the likes.

Dislike buttons SUCK, all they offer is a low-effort way to be negative. Offering people an anonymous way to be mean never works out well. Reading Shamus' first post it looks like he's assuming that like and dislike buttons come hand in hand, but they don't have to (and shouldn't).

I reckon being able to like a post would be an interesting feature.

I was thinking about being able to like images rather than posts. In theory an image from an album could be linked in a thread and the likes it generates get added to it in the album. The same image might be linked in multiple threads and all the likes it gathers wherever it is linked could all be added to its total. But... That'd be a world of pain to set up, and it all goes out the window for images that aren't uploaded to albums, so it's a fundamentally flawed train of thought anyway.
You open a thread with many replies already there but you can't think of a reply that isn't virtually copying what someone else or many someone's has already said so there seems almost no point in posting an identical comment.
This. I have often wished for a like or thanks button here for this exact reason. And as for the irony of having to quote it to +1 it when a thanks button would work just as well ... :(
Yes it would be nice to have a like or thanks button, but this forum software was written well before the rise of social media, so nobody thought or cared about it.

Adding own extensions to an existing software might break your ability to update so it is best to leave it as it is and customize only the things the coders left. Newer versions might have it (or not) so the post from algae already says most of what can be said.

In short - don't mess with the code ;)

:eek: If you mess with the code the sentinels will come :eek::eek: i saw it on a documentary... i think it was called The Matrix :D
Thank you guys, you have reminded me that it was initially a 'Like' button but I changed it to a 'Thanks' button:tu I am going back to before I was here so over 10 years ago:rolleyes:
Its a yes from me

I have been looking for a like button when I've seen some good posts and pics, I would love to see a thumbs up. Thumbs down button not needed.