

Old Timer
Bought this dress in the January sales, £35 reduced to £3.50 from New Look :eek: Yeah i know, however the zip is broken and its missing one of thoses little silver button thingies thats why it was reduced, :D

Anyway thought it was about time she tried it on, so after a few saftey pins, some lippy and jewlery this is the result.

I have quite afew pics to share if interested, there is no need to leave comments i don't mind, i post for your veiwing pleasure and as you know i enjoy taking the pics. :)






Thanks for veiwing. Have a great day.. :)

Cracking looking dress, Primark will annoyed :p Keep the pics coming but more to the point , where's your Valentine pic :rulez:rulez
Love the hairstyle on her - and the jewellery adds greatly.

She really is a stunner!

(YourDoll should be giving you commission for what you've done to bring Rachel to the fore. Perhaps you should be their UK agent . . . )

Best wishes


Not sure that any other doll can compete with Rachel . . . !!! Or perhaps it's her dress sense. But how do you get any sleep? She's always exclaiming something . . .

A great pleasure to see

Best wishes

Wow, looking good lovely Rachel. :tu

Well matched jewellery and dress, ......I'm guessing Rachel chose them. ;) :D

Great set of photos and a bargain of a dress, she looks stunning in it.
As wulfie said, where is the Valantine piccy!
Thanks for taking the time to write a few words guy's, its always appriciated.:tu

No doubt there will be more photos soon. :rolleyes:
This set is a little bit more risque. :whistle:

She does like the strapless dresses,(she has a few) :rolleyes:





Lovley dress Rachel, Tell me, what do you have on underneath ?

Oh Sam, you know fine well what i have on underneath this dress, You put it on me !

Oh yeah so i did, Give us a look anyway. :D




Ok now lets see what bra you are wearing.

I'm not wearing one silly.

Prove it !

Fine but we have to be going soon so no funny bussiness ok.

Chance would be a fine thing!!!!



Right now come on or we are going to be late!!!


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Nice eyes.

Rachel has the nicest eyes I've seen on a realistic doll but she does look kind of shocked in her photos! What is it you are doing or saying to the lovely lady that is causing this!!!!!!
Rachel has the nicest eyes I've seen on a realistic doll but she does look kind of shocked in her photos! What is it you are doing or saying to the lovely lady that is causing this!!!!!!

Red Lady will tell you:
Rachel sent me a message about the living and working conditions. LB's girl is without clothes but gets all the love in the world. Holtz's girl's just like Mary Beard and stands up for us all, and us Red Ladies are all uniting for all those without red dresses. Rachel told me that she's gone to get all the right clothes, done all that she can to attract her man, eats well enough to give him enough to grab hold of, but romance? Romance? Even with the excitement of the bad hair look - no - she can't get him into bed!

So she's really getting into vocal mode. Sam - you had better go deaf . . .

Best wishes
