Sexy Mannequin


Golden Diamond Member
I've been looking for a mannequin for some time now, one that has 'the look', that certain something that only a few manage to portray. Missions girls have it and the master of mannequins, Geldmany has cornered the market with his beautys.
On trawling the depths I came across this pair, the right price, 135$ but across the pond.


The left leg is detachable :whistle: and there looks to be great potential for you to get a lot of bang for the bucks ;)
Just a pity there is'nt a supplier or anything similar in the UK.:(

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Ah! Doggy style! I read an article where a chap "converted" his mannequin for "use" just by cutting the required hole. Unfortuneately during the act he swelled - as well you might - and became stuck. Subsequent struggles caused him only to swell the more and he had to be taken to A & E welded to his lady's lower half! Sharp edges! I shudder!
im not really one for mannequins, but i must say this one is making me feel a little tight in the pants


They do look rather nice. I have a Loutoff mannequin and they are good quality at a reasonable price.


I wouldn't mind getting a sitting mannequin then I could put her on the sofa. :D
Feast your eyes on Serena. But you'll have to look on TDF because I cannot find an easy way to upload pictures to the UK doll forum. If someone could tell me a quick way that doesn't involve urls then I'd do it. On TDF you can just insert an image where you want to directly from a file on your hard drive.
You can add them to your post as an attachment.

just click the button a pop up window will appear and then you find the foto in your album folder on your drive and click attach.

Is it me, or is anyone else thinking 'Clockwork Orange' style coffee table with this one


Already thought of that to help justify the purchase :whistle::D The actual figure appears to be made in China by Ziel not Loutoff which is dissappointing..
Already thought of that to help justify the purchase :whistle::D The actual figure appears to be made in China by Ziel not Loutoff which is dissappointing..

It has been in Loutoff's catalogue for years and often appears on e-bay. Maybe all Loutoff mannequins are made in China. I've got maybe 4 Loutoff's and they are pretty decent for the money. One in particular is so realistic people cannot take their eyes off her.
Already thought of that to help justify the purchase :whistle::D The actual figure appears to be made in China by Ziel not Loutoff which is dissappointing..

I'm pretty sure that all of the Loutoff girls start their lives in China. Certainly Sam and Em did and there's no issue with them at all.

Both are extremely sexy ladies with perfect faces and I have converted the sitting body to a full sexual partner... Of course, even though the ladies were extremely reasonably priced from Loutoff, adding together all of the operations that the sitting body has undergone the final conversion has probably cost as much as a teddy babe.

But, that said, a mannequin was what I wanted as personal preference is to feel the cool, firm body of Sam during sex than a softer option.

Next to a silicone partner which is still out of my price range I am a firm advocate of mannequins and am quite tempted to expand my collection with the young lady from this thread.

Although if I did I could see more conversion costs on the horizon! lol

Emily (Em)

Samantha (Sam)
Some really nice looking mannequins. I do remember that we had a guy on TDF that had a special one made. Not sure where that post is, but she had some really big boobs:twisted:
Welcome to the Forum Adele123, if you get the chance, put a few pics on here, they're always appreciated :tu