Some things from my new wardrobe


Old Timer
Since arriving at Samurai's Mansion he has been such a sweetie, buying new clothes and toys to play with and some jewles as well, oh whats a girl to do.

Oh look you can see my knickers through that dress.


Its a little draftyi n here.


He must think i'm going to work in his Office or somthing.


Its ok i'v found them.


Well if Sam is a Samurai ! Then i want to be Leopard Girl !!!


Every Girl should have a Prom Dress !


""""""More later"""""""" :eek: Toooooooooooo much caffiene Sam, tooo much caffiene, you'll burn out :p I'm impressed, fab outfits, great shots and Nat looks prettier the more I see of her. The noises behind me are two envious madams grinding their teeth. :o More............... :D
Once you get a wonderful silicon girl, you just can't help but dress them up and take lots & lots & lots & lots of photos....... and then take a few more!!!
Babes in Black.

Great outfits, she's lovely and certainly fits that blouse well but don't dollies look great in a little black dress?
:)Thanks for the pics Sam. The hip repair seems to have gone really well.:) And Natasha definitely seems to have made herself at home she has some really terrific outfits and bling there as well.:) Some ace poses, thanks she's a stuner.
Nice photos! Nice doll! Nice bum!

I almost forgot, nice outfits! And boy, does she wear them well!
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