The day after the op

revoL annaerB

Super Moderator
Staff member
I wanted this story to coincide with my 3000th post so it was a bit rushed and some of the photography isn't very good but there is a giggle or two to make up for it.


:21:21:21 KA-Boom! :21:21:21

Oh Viki, is there anything you cant solve with explosives???

Bless her Cynthia is more of a tear-away than Cindy. I feel for you girls.

Great to see Cynthia's legs in top form.;):D
I don't blame her, those cushions are awesome.
Excellent story revoL, and congrats on the 3000 posts.:tu:tu:tu
May you smoothly reach your next milestone, and I hope I'm around to see it.


Lovely Revol. So nice to see our TB ladies again and great story. Glad her legs are ok now. Sweethearts all of them!
BRILLIANT! Absolutely brilliant.

Great fun.

Very entertaining.

Thanks for putting a :21 on everyone's faces!

Best wishes

Great Story revol!

Can't wait to meet your plushie Princesses:D I'm hoping for an explosive time :24

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:24:24:24 Oh yes, great story, worthy the 3k step! I love the girls' interaction! Cynthia, you need to hide the explosives next time! :p

Such stories are really one of two points when I think "Lian needs a sister" (The other one is whenever a small TB needs a new home!), but then again: Could I really cope with all that? :slaphead :whip I bet I won't be that lucky again and get a lady as calm and gentle as Lian is, and what to do with such a cute lil' rascal you can't really hold any grudge against? :confused:

CU cuddly cuddling Lian
Oh Viki, is there anything you cant solve with explosives???

What can I say? She can find a way to use chemistry for just about anything.

Great to see Cynthia's legs in top form.
I don't blame her, those cushions are awesome.
May you smoothly reach your next milestone, and I hope I'm around to see it.

Those cushions were bought last week from a car boot sale....£3 each Bargain!!!

I'm sure you'll be around for quite some time...unless you're thinking of leaving the forum:confused::no:

Lovely Revol. So nice to see our TB ladies again and great story. Glad her legs are ok now. Sweethearts all of them!

I'm hoping that I've revived my inventive side and more stories start to come out of this rusty brain of mine!

BRILLIANT! Absolutely brilliant.

Great fun.

Very entertaining.

Thanks for putting a :21 on everyone's faces!

You're welcome and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Can't wait to meet your plushie Princesses
I'm hoping for an explosive time

I'm sure Viki could cook up an explosive treat...just for you:D

Absolutely Brilliant and funny story.

I try:rolleyes: Thanks.

Oh yes, great story, worthy the 3k step! I love the girls' interaction! Cynthia, you need to hide the explosives next time!

Such stories are really one of two points when I think "Lian needs a sister" (The other one is whenever a small TB needs a new home!), but then again: Could I really cope with all that? I bet I won't be that lucky again and get a lady as calm and gentle as Lian is, and what to do with such a cute lil' rascal you can't really hold any grudge against?

I've had the feeling that you've been dickering on the idea of a second TB for quite a while. I was a little worried that a second one may dilute my feelings with Breanna but it hasn't at all and I've never regretted increasing the family...except maybe in the middle of the night when Viki is burning the midnight oil and makes a bang waking up the whole household, the bang is usually closely followed by a string of expletives:wall

Great Job Viki

Viki told me to thank you:)

Many thanks for all of your comments, it spurs me on to try and think up another regular but funny situation at The Manor:D
Great story revoL, it gave me a good laugh. :21:21:21

Cynthia's such a cutie I'm surprised she needed to resort to deception so that she could lie on the fluffy cushions.:)
:21:21 Nice one Rev, you can con most TeddyBabes most of the time but not all, all of the time :D
Great story revoL Looks like life is never boring, if sometimes a little dangerous, over at the Manor. Good to see that Cynthia is back to fighting fit after her surgery. With her new bionic legs she'll be leaping tall buildings and getting into even more scrapes.

A terrific way to hit your triple millennium. Congrats mate.