Theater ru-runs.


Golden Diamond Member
With the complete lack of picture stories of late would anyone object to me starting a sticky thread "Theatre re runs" ? Some of the newer members may never have seen stories myself and others took hours or even days to produce.
Thanks Wulfie. Thanks Sam. I'll make a title page, chuck it here and then if one of you guys make it sticky cos I dunno how ?
Theatre re - runs


Some of the newer members may not have seen some of the picture-stories in the theatre so I proposed this new thread to highlight old productions.
It could be monthly or weekly.
I'll choose the first one then anyone can request a re-run.

So , for starters here's one of mine from way back in 2013

( click on link below)
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Thanks Wulfie and Samurai for the encouragement. Thanks also to Dongo,Anung and Ecobod for your feedback.
My usual dilemna..... should I continue for 3-5 members if the rest aren't interested or take the view if nobody else shows any interest why the fuck should I be arsed ? :(
Hi Phil

You asked if anyone objected. I don't object, so didn't bother responding. :o

I was more concerned that I hadn't got my arse in gear with a new picture story of my own recently!

Summer gets in the way...

My usual dilemna..... should I continue for 3-5 members if the rest aren't interested or take the view if nobody else shows any interest why the fuck should I be arsed ? :(

It's a hard one to call. Perhaps a test run, see how the view numbers add up, then decide if it's worth the effort. Also, how often did you plan on doing this: one a day, one on a set day of the week or?
Thanks Eco. i was thinking maybe one a week . No particular set day. Don't get me wrong theres nothing at all wrong with threads showing dolls just posing maybe in different outfits etc but some of us have taken shitloads of time to create elaborate photostories and I thought more members would take a small amount of time to check them out .
Similar to AH, I didn't think that the original post was asking for approval.

Go for it matey. Remember always that everything that you do you do for yourself and consider the appreciation of others merely a bonus :tu. Thats my approach anyway with my photo stories (which are in the Chinese dolls area rather than the theatre).

Anyway, I'll go get me popcorn and find a good seat ready for the show to begin. :D

All the best,

It would be good to see your work Phil even if it is for a small but appreciative audience.
I think it's a good idea, many new members have missed a lot of the past work we've done but I do have one suggestion, start a new thread for it with a new title, maybe 'Blasts from the past - Stories in the Theatre', 'Weekly story time, blasts from the past' or similar to grab their attention:tu Many may see the title of this thread and assume it's just a subject request thread:rolleyes:

My view is on par with Shamus, if I do a photoshoot or story and I enjoy doing it then job done, if a handful of members appreciate it then that's good, if a lot of members like it then that's a bonus (for those who can be bothered to view as much as for me;))
Sounds like a great idea :tu I for one have missed a lot of what's gone on in the past, although I have spent a bit of time enjoying stories in the theater recently, it's a mine field of hidden gems.
Please continue Phil I looking forward to what you post up. :)

Tommo :tu
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it sounds a great idea but as well as your rubber girls dont forget the plush babes and air girls :tu

(from what I gather you are lost without your top man :( )
