Wolka and Amy's Journey to the Homeland


Gold Member
An introduction narrated by House of Pink founder, Jimpink.

Mid October 2021, Amy was cruising the forum known as TDF and came across an alluring thread that she couldn't escape from.

Within those pages was an Eastern European super fox with a hint of something even more exotic...more crazy than she could ever imagine.

Her name was Wolka Von K and yes she was as hot as lava straight from the microwave.

Wolka Von K aka Super Fox


Fast forward to November and it's Wolka's turn to wander about the vastness of this forum.

There's beauties in every corner but was she searching for someone special?

Suddenly a thread pops up containing the fun adventures of a girl called Amy Lindemann and that same spark is lit once again...but this time it's matched with serious chemistry, proper bunsen burner shit!

Amy Lindemann a Pink Girl.


They started talking, and then talked some more, then the touching started, the touching continued, things got hotter, hotter, yep even more hotter. FUCK it's too HOT! A couple of sweaty nights later they hatch a cunning plan.

A trip through Eastern Europe seeing the sights of Amy's heritage in Germany, then onto Poland, the home of Wolka.

Continuing on though Europe's crazy Eastern Block they will experience all the hedonistic endeavours usually reserved for the famous and infamous.

Fun times will be had, drinks will be drunk, drugs may be taken and sexy pictures will be posted. The final destination, should they get there, will be the factory manufacturers of China where both Wolka and Amy originally hailed from.

Will they make it?

Will they survive the trip?

Will you keep up with all the naked parties?

Stay tuned to find out...

Hey Amy, baby! got your suitcase figured out yet? I am having trouble with space already! I am packing at least 6 different outfits, which aren't a problem because they don't take up much room, being skimpy and all. The problem I'm having is stuffing 7 bottles of vodka in there! it's like playing Tetris which is obviously the best game ever created but still... arghh! I am willing to sacrifice one bottle or two or else there will be no space for err... a couple things I'll show you at some point ;D

I know I know, we can always buy more there but you know... one or two shots for the road every so often, right?

Oh, we'll go swimming too, right? you like swimming! I'm definitely cramming in a couple swimsuits. Have you ever swam in a lake at 2ºC? it's fun! gets you pumped. You will feel certain parts of yourself (and very visibly so) and cease to feel others. Takes the hangover away right off!

Let's go!!!



Wolka! I'm going to need some help choosing what to wear for our trip, unless I make everything easier and just bring a swimsuit for each day of the week? We don't have to go swimming everyday, I'll just accessorise a swimsuit for each occasion, one for shopping, one for dinner and a really really small one for partying! Got everything covered, well maybe not total body coverage, suggestive bits exposed...Oh and surely if we're actually swimming we go skinny dipping, no? We'll need to stay close though, body warmth and all that!

Now I'm all for drinking alco-ma-hol at every oppurtunity, especially vodka, and I can see your dilemma when cramming all the "important" bits in your suitcase. But let me make a suggestion, the things we both consider essentials to having a good time, one being alco-ma-hol, can also double as fun time utensils in the after-hours once it's been relieved of it's primary liquid. You get where I'm coming from or do we need a demonstration? Because pictoral evidence of such may not be allowed in this regular thread. We might have to take it to the Harem or get it censored!

Can't wait to start our fun together! I'm getting giddy just thinking about you...
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Subscribed :tu due to the amount of threads I miss I thought I better subscribe to this one. Look forward to their adventures :D
Feet up. Popcorn open. Vodka ready to pour... This is gonna be good. :tu


I don't have my own account yet and not sure how to get it so I'll hijack JimPink's for now...most if not all of the updates will be from meeeee! (I write in pink) And if Emma, Lucy or Skye wants to pop over for a drink they're most welcome!

Excellent :tu Can't wait :)

Lava out of a microwave? There's an interesting concept...

That's right PDutus, she's super hot!

What the heck kind of Polish is that? :24

I don't need a translation, thanks. We're semi-fluent under this roof by now. Ironic that this was the most wholesome part of the whole post :D

She speaks more Russian than Polish, you'll see! I don't know any of either so keep me posted on anything I should know about please!

Subscribed :tu due to the amount of threads I miss I thought I better subscribe to this one. Look forward to their adventures :D

Subscriptions are welcome and encouraged, be clever, be like Amydoll! Yay!
Oh Hello! I write in red by the way and also do not have my own account, the powers of the internet allow me to do this though...my little reply to the packing dilemma.More updates on the way!

Hey you know? you're right! We are venturing into the cold east during the cold season but we irradiate so much heat together to be concerned about coats and the boring stuff normal humans tend to cover themselves up with.

Pack your favorites, we can always buy something we like along the way and bring it home (or tear it up in action when we're at it, grrr)! Tomboy me wants to buy a polish metal band t-shirt that I very much like and wear it during one of our nights out. JUST the shirt! let's provoke the regular patrons.

Empty vodka bottles doubling as... nice. I am down. Hua hua hua!

And yes for skinny dipping evidently! I'm tingling all over by the thought of it. The hugs afterwards to regain heat will be steamy, literally. Actual vapor might come out ;D

A couple of hours ago I left for Heathrow to catch my flight to Berlin whilst Wolka was doing the same from Barcelona. Our first stop on this momentous and spontaneous journey is hipster central and über cool Berlin. No doubt we'd not have any trouble fitting in with the locals down Schöenhauser Allee! Ha! Yeah I've packed all my outrageous outfits, most fairly limited on surface area but making up for this with ALL THE COLOURS! There's also some see through bits which I know will turn Wolka into even more of a sexual predator than she already is...is that possible? Can't wait to find out!

Upon arriving and knowing our flights will be landing in synchronisation I could almost wave to Wolka through our mutual window seats. Yet we had to get through all the regular airport checkpoints, baggage collection, passport control blah blah blah...where's WOLKA! Then arriving at security and customs I heard some kerfuffle from one of the private rooms. I could hear a familiar voice, an aggressive Polish accent shouting frustrated verbal abuse towards those in charge. I got hot under the collar, she always turns me on when she gets angry...it was of course WOLKA VON K!
Apparently she had tried to smuggle in a variety of "normal" and "harmless" objects, things she uses in everyday activities. But those objects to anyone else would be described as absolute weapons.

A baseball bat, madam? "That's for fun in the bedroom, which you definitely need more of, you stupid uniformed brute!" Ok then what about this rather large and dangerous looking Kalishnikov then? "It's not real, silly! It's an airsoft gun which is actually broken. Dude." Now miss Von K, you've got a bag of very old looking grenades, which I'm surprised are still intact. "Yeah. So?" Well they are live grenades aren't they, regardless of age? "And...?" Look if you want to go and meet that ridiculously looking girl that's loitering outside then you're going to have to give these up. "Fine...whatever, you've no actual idea who I am, where I've been or what I've done...but yeah take my antique and destructive trinkets, the real stowaway bits you'll never find...."

Once released from the hands of security stupidity we were united at last! That spark was again ignited and fired up to levels not measurable as we embraced and caused yet another scene in the airport. First was Wolka's weapon search, next was almost sex right there in the terminal. The old folk were appalled seeing so much skin and young German teenagers couldn't stop staring as we rapidly searched each other with our rampant and rather insistent hands.

We had arrived. And Berlin is in for a treat!

As we walked towards the exit ready to start our adventure the crew of officials watched our every move...they had never seen anything like it. Though I also suspect with Wolka's history as a secret triple agent spy might have something to do with it....

Well hello girls, where can I meet you in Berlin?
It's only a five to six hour drive away from my place and although my weekend is packed with work I'd love to meet you ;) Maybe Phoebe could join.

Have fun and cause a lot of commotion so the local press has something to talk about besides covid.

Love your adventure already


Amy is great but Wolka is an absolute star and this has to be one of the pictures of the year



Looking forwards to their continued adventures :tu

All the best,,

Hiya boot licking swine : )

SO! Amy and I have been wandering about the Brrrrrandenburg's Airport's surroundings for a while now. We have a goal, we just don't have a schedule huhuhu so we go all impro style. They didn't even let me carry my vodka bottles on the plane because it was UUUHHH a liquid!! it could be an explosive blah blah blah! fools, they however let me get away with my airsoft gun anyways, which I'm more than trained enough to turn into a perfectly capable live weapon. Lol who they think they're messing with, blyat!

You imperialistic swine know about MacGyver right? well he's got nothing on me hehe. I can make napalm out of chewing gum and a bandaid (and vodka), I don't even need a paperclip.

Anyway, we spent the whole evening FEELING each other because this is the first time I get to meet sweet sweet Amy Lindemann. And I tell ya boys and gals and everything in between and beyond. She's EVERYTHING and then some. I can't stop staring at her blue eyes and perfect eyebrows. And the way she smiles... she makes all my lips smile as well. It's the goddamn truth. Amyyyy I'll bear hug you till you faint! Quite a scene huh Amy? those underpaid workers were tripping huge round (blue) balls.

ANYWAY PART 2! we got all we needed from the Duty Free store, airports are strange places. We're kinda loaded. We chatted for hours, kissed till our makeups rubbed off and now we're running AMOK looking for stuff to do. I love staring at Amy's ass as she runs away from me!

Love y'all (except the actual imperialistic boot licking swine. You only get to lick MY boots does that sound right? I thought so!).

Oh yeah just one more thing. Any of you no likey my broky enlish? zen off to Gulag with you! I'll gently show you ze way! Kurwa!!

I'm sorry, there's no way I can center the picture, been trying for sooo long now, + we're drunk + my phone's dying arggg. Halp! помощь!!! <-EDIT: hah! I figured out! no machine can resist me

Tag along, follow us on our (*burp*) journey! *LOUD BELCH*.


:eek: Talk about a lamb to the slaughter :D

Well she might look cute and sweet but she's anything but. Hanna is the nice quiet girl and Natalia, well she's a little dominant (can be at times) So I wouldn't talk about a lamb to the slaughter.


Yikes. Might want to start doing the vodka shots through the right eye instead there, Wolka. I don't think the left one is going to take much more punishment.
Ugh. I have the sudden urge to tip my beer down the sink and make myself a nice cup of tea like a proper boring old fart :D
Here's an interesting twist to our story so far, it seems a certain infamous Hugh of TDF fame and full time stud at the Hotographer's Ranch is in town as CEO of Sexitron. He's here to promote his latest products at the sex toy trade show right here in Berlin...

Gosh I want to squeeze all the air out of you while bear hugging your tight body!
Call me a breath deprivation fetishist if you will ;D

As for Berlin, our first stop was a great place to get Toblerone and since then we kinda survived on that and some duty free vodka, so far so good! Berlin is so fun and we don't have a real schedule.
Anything goes with us! But we should keep moving.

For now I'll just make sure to be holding your small hands, waist and sweet buns all along so I don't get lost. Once we set foot on the Eastern part of the city I can show you around, there are great venues and I absolutely love the brutalist architecture there. Until then, I got the perfect excuse to grope you bad hehe!


That guy HUGH who popped in? Hurrrrr!!!

I... I know you got the hots for him but... do you know by any chance if he's into sharing? I'm into sharing equitably, you know...

I'm a bit distraught now I think. Help ^^

We can't miss going to this hunk of a man's call. He manages SEXITRON! I don't know what that is but it sound's mighty and technologic just like SPUTNIK, only sexier because TBH, sputnik sounds like a very sharp kick to the groin. Should we visit the trade show? YEAH YEAH it's capitalist stuff and all but... ....we should go. For research purposes, of course.

And this is me getting all stOOpid and retarded about this Hugh super hot character. Amy, he said he could have a couple cold ones. Are we COLD enough for him? Or are we too hot? He might find out for himself soon enough.


I rather like Wolka. The hat, the accessories, the hair, the T-Shirt - they are all very cool :tu

I've been to Berlin 3 times* and really liked it.

Toblerone always reminds me of Kate Beckinsale's Chocolate Buttocks Prank Story (hope it is okay to share here, if you've not seen it you're in for a treat :)):

*For IT conferences in the long forgotten days before the 'Virus of Unknown Origin' struck the world and killed conferences - unfortunately it did not kill those ridiculous Climate Change conferences - I mean how much CO2 did they all generate travelling to Glasgow for a jolly - couldn't it have just been done over Zoom!? (apologies for the rant)
Hi Mr Flibble! I'm glad you like my friend, we're going to have lots of exciting sordid adventures together so make sure you pop back! And Kate Beckingsale is all sorts of hot, funny and clever, the golden package! Now back to Berlin...

Wanting to squeeze all the air out of me sounds a bit extreme Wolka...but I like it. Sounds like you'd be squeezing til there's nothing left, which again is a bit much but I'd be happy right til the end! Ha! And I don't think there's much air in me anyway so squeeze away! Rather not have some sort of plasticky skin eruption at a weak point though, just bear that in mind...

Soooo...Hugh has arrived in Berlin eh? Well...shhh...keep your voice down....Zoey might hear....I know she's all the way back home but still, her obsession with Hugh is a bit crazy. Back at the House of Pink we're all members of HAPS, the Hugh Appreciation Society, Zoey is President. If she were to find out he's here and suggesting we hang out, well...I don't want to be on the receiving end of some hyperactive jealous onslaught! She might be cool with it, usually she's pretty accepting, but then this is hunktastic Hugh, TDF's infamous male presence partly because he's an integral part of Alottahope's sex ranch with all his super sexy girls...Hi Gwynyd! I heard he's got some of those little blue pills and might want to test them out as part of the trade show or something. Could be fun, we should definitely go! There's likely to be all sorts of kinky stuff going on so we'll fit right in!

I think we may need more...burrpp...alco-ma-hol before heading to SEXITRON so could hit a bar on the way over maybe? Hic...I need more alco-ma-hol for sure....hic hic...buurrrrrrrrrrp! Yeah. Could grab a Toblerone on the way but then I worry where you might put it...? Well worry isn't the word, more intrigued...Sweet buns at the ready!​