How best to dispose of a doll


New Member
Hey folks,

I think my doll is past the point of being saleable, and quite frankly I just need her gone now.

What's the best way of disposing of a doll?

I can't imagine just taking her to the skip. I can't put her in the rubbish. And even if I cut her up, what if someone finds a recognisable bit and freaks out.

Any advice appreciated.
Cut up the 'recognizable bits' even smaller. General household waste is fine, but you might want to split it up over a few weeks or the wheelie bin will be suspiciously heavy.

You can also drop smaller amounts into roadside bins over a week. They are generally emptied daily.

The skeleton may still be of value to someone.
I've taken a couple to the tip, after separating the TPE from the skelly and chopping it up small.

The skelly went into the metal bin easily, no challenge there. The TPE was the problem because the tip guard refused to accept that amount of rubber without knowing where it was from. The first time I said it was a mannequin from a personal project and they said that was commercial waste that I had to go elsewhere with and pay for disposal but this time they'd let me off and take it. The second time I just had to grit my teeth and say it was a sex doll. I think they're meant to be more discreet than that. But I suppose if they're hypersensitive to anything that might be commercial waste then it probably is an unusual amount of rubber to be dumping at one time.

Any suggestions on what else I could tell the tip guards? I'd rather not have to say it's from a sex doll every time.
Sit her on the side on an A-Road with her thumb stuck out, see if anyone will offer her a lift....

Dress her up in old clothes then attach her to a post with arms outstretched and put her in a local field.
Or dress her in old, smelly clothes and a thick sleeping bag, and overnight, dump her in the doorway of a charity shop or the local cop-shop.
Or dress her in a dazzling white robe and leave her behind the altar of a church. Then make an anonymous call to the vicar
I'm surprised there hasn't been some one chime in yet who wants to take her off your hands for a parts doll or project or something.
Like someone who is experimenting and needs a skeleton for a homemade doll or TPE chunks for repairs they are making or something like that.
I often see want ads on the other forum for unwanted dolls for those reasons.
That’s a thought - well, indirectly. I’ve got a mate whose daughter started medical school last year. She wants to be surgeon. I could ask if she wants it to practice on?
I'm surprised there hasn't been some one chime in yet who wants to take her off your hands for a parts doll or project or something.
Like someone who is experimenting and needs a skeleton for a homemade doll or TPE chunks for repairs they are making or something like that.
I often see want ads on the other forum for unwanted dolls for those reasons.
I've had a couple in the freebies forum for the last week and it's generally a hassle to either ship them or to arrange collection of whole dolls.

Sharp knife and a good pair scissors to chop her up into chunks. Then into bin bags with a load of old clothes/paperwork/bedding on top and down the tip. I didn't get asked about it, but they would have had to dig deep to see what was at the bottom of the black bins and our guys don't really care. I also find that if you take some cardboard boxes and show you know how separating things at the tip works then they tend to leave you alone!
What stops me flytipping my porous TPE dolls is the thought that she's got my DNA inside her...

I have successfully given away a couple of dolls on this forum. I think that's the ideal. However sometimes they're so far gone I really wonder if it's worth it. And then there are those who'll say they want her then mess you around not showing up or whatever.

The "general crap" skip at my local tip is manned and they want to see everything that goes in. Presumably our local council is fanatical about correct recycling, so clothes have to go in the clothes skip, paper into the paper skip, bedding likewise, leaving just the TPE chunks and we're back to "what's this unusually large amount of rubber from Sir?". I'm surprised I'm the only one that's ever taken a sex doll to the tip, but maybe most owners' living situations means they can readily chuck her into the wheely bin over a few weeks.
I cut the TPE off and put in in several small bin bags and dropped them in street bins over the period of 2weeks about 2kg a time I have advantage that I walk to work daft o'clock in morning with backpack. As for the Skeleton I managed to get 2 bits of arm off but had to take hacksaw to legs put them in recycle over a month then put the rest in 1 recycle with cardboard surrounding it so nowt showed. They took it it wasn't even that heavy.
Hey guys, please don't make fun of yesplease.
It is a serious question and everybody with dolls will sooner or late be in the same situation.
Each county and each city might have different rules but might be there is a consensus.

- cut up in small pieces and put it in the bin over a few weeks
- cut it up and bring it to the landfill and maybe get a few strange questions
- give it away for free for whomever wants it

This is what I took out of all this funny replies - which I really enjoyed.
And any good ideas will most likely be very appreciated.
The recycling centre skip is probably the best option I imagine. That is, if it’s in too bad shape to try selling or give away, or nobody wants it for spare parts.
I would hate to tell a lie, but you could always say you’re bringing it for a friend or neighbour who’s too embarrassed to do it himself 😁
I'm a tad late to this discussion, sorry. I would welcome the chance to have a 'surplus' body for Rosina as so far I have not found one with either the same or similar (adult) body sculpt as Elina, my first one. However, regarding disposal, sometime during the mid 1960's my father cut up, with a hacksaw, a motorcycle except for the engine. It was placed in the 'ash bin' along with other household rubbish. As the dustmen (as they were then known) emptied the bin, other dustmen were either waiting in line or were standing too close to ascertain exactly where the items came from.

As for lying....well the more outrageous the lie convincingly told will more than likely be believed. So how about the filling from a glass fire garden statue, I/we cut through the glass fibre with a reciprocating saw and found this filling, have no idea what it could be, but it's soft and squishy! It's obviously made form something and that something may be recyclable unlike the glass fibre. It may be beneficial to give him a small piece to fondle, sorry squeeze, You may need to prepare yourself for the response "It feels like one of them TPE sex dolls, we had a few of them last week!"

So 'Yes Please' come back to me with what she is or was, together with the problems, I'm willing to collect or can arrange a courier if acceptable. I may even offer you some cash!


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