The Adventures of Arachne Baenre

I'm glad I'm keeping them amused! :D And I hope I didn't leave you with a mess to clean up (if your elves are like mine I assume you do everything for them...)!

Yes, I'm still alive! She's taking the whole thing really well, actually. She seems genuinely grateful. She's actually down in the kitchen mixing me something to drink right now! She's never done something like that for me. Maybe she's starting to warm up to me... Maybe even respect me? :cool:

So, you slap her accross the face then trust what she is concocting in the kitchen.... Braver man than me matey.

And yep, absolutely everything. Their approach may be different to a Drow's but the results are exactly the same. We simply exist to make their lives better.
"Mal'ai rivvil rothe... Hitting me is one thing, but making me look like a fool to SURFACE ELVES? Too far, jaluk, too far...

"He has a pulse and he's awake. He'll be there for several hours in agony... He's lucky I don't have more to serve me yet..."


Wonderful! What fun!

Is it time to get the rope yet?

I feel he may have earned some extra punishment for wearing such graceless garments in your presence! Best to strip him of those pants now - he won't need them where he'll be hanging anyway!

Wonderful! What fun!

Is it time to get the rope yet?

I feel he may have earned some extra punishment for wearing such graceless garments in your presence! Best to strip him of those pants now - he won't need them where he'll be hanging anyway!

"He hasn't gone shopping for it yet! It's the weekend, he whines. That's also why he's wearing those stupid pants with stupid orange surface creatures on them! They've even got triangular trees on them. He told me that those ones are extra sticky, but not to worry because I'll never get close to the trunk because they're covered in spiky needles!" The drow stopped her tangent with a few deep breaths as she collected her thoughts.

"Sorry... He just makes me so ANGRY! But when he isn't angering me he has proven to be useful. Right, now where were we? Taking off his pants... But no rope... Whatever. I'm sure I can figure out some way of keeping myself amused with him..."

Weekends? Weekends!!

Your jaluk would presume to take a break from serving you! How foolish!

You should see to it he gets slapped raw! - but wait until he wakes so you can see the look of horror on his swollen face!

Weekends? Weekends!!

Your jaluk would presume to take a break from serving you! How foolish!

You should see to it he gets slapped raw! - but wait until he wakes so you can see the look of horror on his swollen face!

The drow shook her head in confusion and disbelief, her white hair swirling around her shoulders. "I don't understand... And he says he gets a 'long weekend' next weekend. He tried to explain why, something about a magical bouncing hairy creature with big ears hiding eggs everywhere, and some guy two thousand years ago getting a Resurrection spell cast on him? I don't know. I wasn't really listening. He says that means he'll get to spend more time with me, and I do like attention...

"I can't do anything to him right now. He's in a horrible place already, work. He claims it's a torturous place worse than anything I've put him through, including the poison I slipped him yesterday! Personally, I just want to meet the slavedriver who puts his minions through such pain and torture, then lets them leave at night, and have these ridiculous weekends, and they willingly go back to be tortured again every day! It's incredible...

"I reminded him to pick up rope on the way home..."
Arachne Baenre
Rhyl’s Intro

“Okay, so what are we doing here? What do you want to talk about?”

“A lot of people are interested in knowing more about your little friend, Rhyl. He seems a bit shy, hiding in your hair like a clown fish in a sea anemone. Do you think you could coax him out and tell us about him?”

Arachne shrugged. “Sure. Rhylqualyn, suur,” she commanded.

Out of her hair floated a small round creature that went to her palm, the main eye looking at me, but his little eye stalks were looking everywhere. There would be no sneaking up on him!

“This is my companion, Rhylqualyn. He is an Eyeball, a smaller relative of the more well known Beholder. He has travelled with me for several years, and I’m glad he came to this realm with me.”

“Does that name mean anything in Common?”

“The closest translation from drow would be ‘eye ally,’” Arachne replied, not seeing a need to explain any further.

“So he’s your pet? Aside from having a lot of pointy little teeth, does he have any other special tricks?” I asked, already being painfully familiar with some of his other abilities.

“He is not my pet. He is my companion. He is much more than a simple pet,” Arachne explained. “As you are well aware, he knows commands.”

“Yes, he seems to have mastered the ‘attack’ command.” I flinched, realizing I may have made a mistake.

“Correct, but he only understands drow, and will only answer to me. He is capable of much more.”

“What else can he do?”

“I do not believe you need to know that, jaluk. Unless you wish to be the target for the demonstration?”

“Uh, well, not particularly… But come on… If you don’t want to tell your wanre all your secrets I guess I can understand that, but can’t you at least get him to show off one of his eye rays? The people would love to see that at home! Oh, look at him, checking out the camera. He’s actually kinda cute when he’s not biting me.”

The drow shrugged. “Okay, fine. Rhyl! Bry!” The floating creature magically propelled himself back over to his master. Vrine'winith!” Arachne commanded while pointing at me.

“Hey! Wait! I-” Not at me! This isn’t what I wanted!

A ray of light burst forth from one of the eye stalks on top of Rhylqualyn’s head and struck me in the chest. Immobilized, I slumped forward onto the table with a thud and a groan.

“I said you’d be the target,” said Arachne with a sigh and tired of the complaining. “It’ll wear off in a bit. You know that. Did you get your precious photo?”


“I can get him to do it again, but you might stop breathing. You are breathing, right?”


“Wonderful. Did you have any more questions about Rhyl?”


“I didn’t think you would. Well, if we’re all done here, then I have better things to be doing. Come on, Rhyl.”

[Editors note: It's rather hard to take more photos when you're slumped over and drooling on the table! Sorry!]
Just consulted the Elves asking if there was anything more that we should know about Rhyl and his presence in this domain.

General concensus was:

1) The lil fella shouldn't be here, and
2) For some reason they now want me to buy them Tennis rackets?

Picked up a line about Well at least there's not a swarm of them.

Then I got a whole lecture about the difference between a pet and a familiar.

The bit I picked up was something about a pet is something you look after but a familiar you can see through his eyes and hear through his ears.

So then I asked whether they have any familiars. Apparently they only have pets. Oh really asks me innocently. Can I see them.... The look sort of told me all I needed to know about what... Or more who... The pet is.

So tell us more about Rhyl and why Elves are not scared of the lil fella even though he quite litterally appears to be a pocket sized, nosey, airborn, rippy fish that does his mistresses bidding without question.

Glad that you're the one asking her questions and not me matey.

Whats that River?.... Oh, apparently they think that Nymeria should be the one asking questions about who exactly Rhyl is intended to be spying on as more Drow fall to familiar blades in their back than Elvish blades in their front.... Why do even Elves simple statements from Elves sound like proverbs?

Right, I'm off to talk to them again to discuss the logistics of this tennis racket idea of theirs....



Oh how adorable - what do you feed him on? Bits of your jaluk?

Obviously, I could have had one of those ... if I'd wanted one.... or a whole swarm....

...But animals other than holy spiders are forbidden in Arach-Tinilith, and as a priestess in the full favour of Lolth I have little time for such ... Distractions!

Just consulted the Elves asking if there was anything more that we should know about Rhyl and his presence in this domain.

General concensus was:

1) The lil fella shouldn't be here, and
2) For some reason they now want me to buy them Tennis rackets?

Picked up a line about Well at least there's not a swarm of them.

Then I got a whole lecture about the difference between a pet and a familiar.

The bit I picked up was something about a pet is something you look after but a familiar you can see through his eyes and hear through his ears.

So then I asked whether they have any familiars. Apparently they only have pets. Oh really asks me innocently. Can I see them.... The look sort of told me all I needed to know about what... Or more who... The pet is.

So tell us more about Rhyl and why Elves are not scared of the lil fella even though he quite litterally appears to be a pocket sized, nosey, airborn, rippy fish that does his mistresses bidding without question.

Glad that you're the one asking her questions and not me matey.

Whats that River?.... Oh, apparently they think that Nymeria should be the one asking questions about who exactly Rhyl is intended to be spying on as more Drow fall to familiar blades in their back than Elvish blades in their front.... Why do even Elves simple statements from Elves sound like proverbs?

Right, I'm off to talk to them again to discuss the logistics of this tennis racket idea of theirs....



Oh... Arachne is not impressed with the tennis rackets... I had to explain that one to her, showed her a video clip, and... Livid doesn't even begin to describe... If I knew what she were saying I'm sure I'd be learning every vulgar word the drow have ever come up with. Long story short, I think there are only two things she loves more than Rhyl: Herself, and above that, Lolth.

I'd get her to expand on things, but I think she'd currently get banned if she posted anything right now... But, I've asked her about Rhyl outside of that staged interview and can answer some of it. He's not a pet, and he's not a familiar. She regularly uses the term 'companion' for him. I guess she came across him in the Underdark and befriended him with some lizard meat. I feel like there's more to it than than, but she hasn't said anything more to me yet. I think he literally is a companion to her, a friend. She doesn't need him to sneak around and do reconnaissance. I'm pretty sure the shadows she hides in make more noise than she does... Or maybe human ears are just terrible compared to larger elvish ones. She does use him as an ally in combat and apparently he has become much tougher than most of his kin. In the wild they are known to hunt in groups, zapping their target with a frost ray while remaining out of reach until their target succumbs.

What I don't know is how he flys, exactly. He just floats in the air. Arachne says its his innate magical ability and I guess it must be true. I also don't understand his anatomy. He seems to be just a mouth, eye, and eye stalks. Put a brain in there and I don't get how there's much more space left for anything else, and yet I've seen him basically unhinge his jaw and eat an entire meatball in one bite.

Oh, and he LOVES spheres.

Arachne wants me to pass along threats to each and every one of your elves, but, she says, specifically River. Probably because you mentioned her name... To paraphrase, River can look forward to a drow blade in her back when she runs after witnessing what Arachne does to her friends. Arachne was a lot more specific. And graphic. And long winded. One quote I think I can use is 'you can insult me, you can try and harm me in combat, but you do not hurt Rhylqualyn or you will face the full force of my wrath!'

I think I lost my appetite.

{Out of Character: For clarity, Shamus, I hold absolutely no ill will towards you or your elves. This is all narrative in good fun and I always look forward to your posts here. :D :tu}

Oh how adorable - what do you feed him on? Bits of your jaluk?

Obviously, I could have had one of those ... if I'd wanted one.... or a whole swarm....

...But animals other than holy spiders are forbidden in Arach-Tinilith, and as a priestess in the full favour of Lolth I have little time for such ... Distractions!

The drow pointedly ignored the surface elves and their 'pet.' She couldn't believe they were such monsters! Surface elves liked to paint themselves as good and pure while calling drow evil, and yet they would do this!? Sure, the drow would happily torture a sentient creature and relish in their pained screams, but an innocent little creature like an eyeball? Monsters. The surface did need to be purged.

"Oh, my jaluk has been warned of what will happen if he does not provide proper sustenance for Rhyl. He will eat any type of meat I have tried to feed him so far, including these balls of meat that Agent mentioned."

Arachne nodded in approval at Nymeria's mention of being a priestess. All female drow received at least some basic training as a priestess to honor Lolth, but it was not the path that Arachne had chosen. She preferred to honor her goddess through actions -usually violence- against her enemies, but still found time to say some prayers every morning. "You should find time. A companion like Rhyl is the only creature I can count on to be there for me, no matter what." Trust was a hard to come by commodity to the drow and Arachne was happy to take what she could get, even from a source as strange as Rhylqualyn.
I haven't spent much time around here since the site came back up. I think that needs to be changed! Arachne and I have been quite busy since the last post in this thread and it's time to do some catching up.

What's the biggest news? I decided to introduce my closest family to Arachne. I posted this first photo and someone thought it was the start to a little story, but it was actually the pose I had Arachne in when my parents came over. The next day, I decided to turn it into a little story and ended up with this:

"My face when my wanre says I'm about to meet his parents... I'm going to need more wine."

The Next Morning...

"Ohhh... I don't feel so well, wanre."

"I know what I told you about humans having a largely matriarchal society, but I also told you that taking a drink whenever my mom spoke was a bad idea, didn't I?"

Arachne let out another moan. "Yes..."

"Here, why don't I fix you some breakfast and hopefully you'll feel better. Why don't you start with a glass of apple juice?"

"Here's some bacon."

"...And to top it all off, a singe pancake cooked in the bacon grease, smothered in maple syrup. Enjoy!"

The drow smelled all of the wonders before her and couldn't deny it would be good. Silently she started to eat heartily, but there was no way she was going to eat it all.

"So good, but so full... I can't finish. I think I need to go lay down... You can eat the leftovers, wanre."

"Yeah, a little nap won't hurt. Then you'll feel better." Of course she made sure to eat all of the bacon before she was full!
How did the meeting go with your parents? I hope they saw how happy Arachne makes you and that's the most important thing in life.
So, did the parents survive the encounter?

The elves noted immediately that she was going to the meeting wearing Mithril and Dragon skin... Thats not a good sign that everyone will walk away from it unscathed.

Did you eat the rest of her food? You klnow that she will wake up hungry and then you will get grief / lose a finger if you did.

Good luck... Not with anything in particular its just you live with a Drow. Every day that you get to the end of takes luck. :21

I really enjoyed this so much fun but I am curious I wonder what if would be like to Kiss a drow :p would the risk be too much :D
How did the meeting go with your parents? I hope they saw how happy Arachne makes you and that's the most important thing in life.

It went really well with them as well as the other family members I decided to tell!

(When she met my sister and her husband a few weeks later I had to bribe her with more wine to behave)

I was genuinely surprised at how accepting they were and after that it led to Arachne's first time out of the house since she arrived. I took her out to my parent's place for a day with the family.

While I was out there I did my first outdoor photoshoot with her for a photo contest (Date Your Mate) and this photo won the contest. I really like this photo as it holds a lot of meaning to me and winning with it was just the icing on the cake.

Bonus POV shot

So, did the parents survive the encounter?

The elves noted immediately that she was going to the meeting wearing Mithril and Dragon skin... Thats not a good sign that everyone will walk away from it unscathed.

Did you eat the rest of her food? You klnow that she will wake up hungry and then you will get grief / lose a finger if you did.

Good luck... Not with anything in particular its just you live with a Drow. Every day that you get to the end of takes luck. :21


Yes! Everyone survived! :D

I love this comment! I bought that shirt for her because of the metallic appearance and I'm glad others see it as that as well. :cool: Your elves have good eyes!

I did eat the leftovers and felt safe doing it! She'd eaten the best part, the bacon, after all. And, when she woke up hungry again do you think she was going to put up with reheated leftovers? Of course not! I had to prepare her a fresh dish!

Thank you. I definitely need it some days! There are some problems arising in my home and she thinks I have something to do with it. I'll probably post that over the weekend and I am trying to work on a solution! Hopefully it's enough to escape her wrath!

I really enjoyed this so much fun but I am curious I wonder what if would be like to Kiss a drow :p would the risk be too much :D

Let me tell you, Tarlos, it's worth the risk. Even if the drow reacts poorly and stabs you with a poisoned blade at least you'll be able to die happy!
photo shoot

I am very impressed with your Photo shoot The drow seemed very chuffed and pleased and I think she should reward you somehow and she just might :)
I am very impressed with your Photo shoot The drow seemed very chuffed and pleased and I think she should reward you somehow and she just might :)

"'The drow'? I have a name, you rivvil jaluk! It is Arachne Baenre and you will address me as such!

"Know this, Agent exists purely to fulfill my needs. His reward is simply basking in my radiance and being allowed to exist for another day! Furthermore, -"

"Are we broadcasting? Yes?"

"Hello? Can anyone hear us? I am Evey, a member of the Resistance. Do not help the drow! Her whole purpose here is to enslave the human race!"

"To help this is to help the downfall of humanity!"

"Please, I hope that this messages reaches the ears of my fellow fae and humans alike! Agent is already under her control and I believe others have also fallen victim to her sway!"

"I hear footsteps! She's coming and I must go! Please! Our forces are small! I have not seen Saffee in over two weeks! Help us!" begged the small elven figure before the feed cuts out.​