Thinking of joining the owners club. Here to learn

Think I have seen her b4:)

Thought I would post a pic from an animation I made many years ago. About 2008. Using a 3D model that looks a lot like the doll I am getting. I spent so many hours on this model, think it might have had a subliminal affect on my doll choice:) At the time I could have added hair and things to wear, but wanted the fire effect I was playing with to stand out
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That's the one:) She does look like that girl in my animation photo. In my video the head was fully rigged, so lifelike and natural movement dancing in a volumetric flame. I might still have her on one of my old hard disks, will have to have a look. Thanks folks. Much looking forward to joining the club and will do a write up of my buying experience to help those that may want to join too
Little update: Still waiting, but within expected timescales. Have to say that I have had a constant stream of info emails from my doll provider. Most impressed with the service and these communications have eased my anxieties somewhat. This is my first time and felt uncertain in so many areas, this has helped a lot. Looking forward to getting my new friend. Will post a few pics when she comes. That sounds a bit strange. Arrives. That's better:) All for now folks.
It's good to have a timescale. Looking forward to seeing your girl once she has arrived and settled in.
Did she book travel with the African or European swallows?

If you think you are anxious now, wait until you get the tracking and she is in the taxi and on her way that day - she is passenger no24 and no5 is next, no6....

Some tips for her arrival day

1, stock up on snack foods / foods that can be eaten without preparation. You will forget about food when she arrives, so ready to eat is a good idea
2, go to bed early the night before. you won't get much sleep, but the more time you allow, the better the chance
3, you shouldn't need an alarm (I didn't, I hardly slept), but set one to give you chance to wake, dress and be ready to welcome her
4, don't rush the unboxing
5, don't forget to eat.

I won't continue into shamus' territory (war and peace length post), but any more questions, just ask and someone will help

p.s. photos, compulsary, it is in the :rulez
Thanks for your kind words and good advice Ich
As for the length of our tales, would not worry at all. If Leo is allowed to tell a tol-story, then so are we:)

Not sure how she will travel. Hopefully in style. Don't think she will fly, would cost a lot. Could be a fast train, down the new silk route. Think she would like that, looking out the window, watching the world go by. The other option is via sea. Not my favourite option at all, it really would be a slow boat from China. Although the sea might be safer: According to sailing superstition, swallows are a good omen to those at sea due to the fact that swallows are land-based birds, so their appearance informs a sailor that he or she is close to shore

Will post a few photos when she gets here and let her introduce herself, magnificently mesmerizingly magical, should be a treat to see
Definitely check your vendors. I got a Piper doll off Amazon but it wasn't what I expected...

Why I followed the sound advice on this forum. Hopefully all should be well. But until the day, nothing is certain, but feel SS are a good suppler. One of the reasons I am documenting this journey. As a new experimentalist, find myself in a world of ambiguity and that of the unknown. This might help others that are about to embark on this path many of you have already trodden. Thanks for the help
Some Asians say that when someone dies, their clothes should be burnt. They say over time they become part of you and if they are worn by others, it takes longer for the soul to transmute to the other side. Likewise, when you have something new, especially something intimate, it will become part of you. almost like an extension of you. If true, could see how an object like a doll so easily brings about an anthropomorphism that makes them become a real world sentient human-like-bean.
Fuck me thats a bit heavy on the old existentialism for pre 4th coffee time....

But, if im readin that correctly you pressed the button, now you're in the twiglet zone of the desolate wait and wondering what the fucking fuck you've just agreed to :D

Well, Bewbs. Lots and lots of jiggly soft squishy bewbs. She's a piper with big boobs... :whistle:

If i may offer a little insight:

The Wait can be a roller coaster of buyers remorse, uncertainty, worry about shipping and arrival, and other such things, it can also be a journey in your mind that leads you to know something of "who" is coming to stay.

On arrival day you will almost certainly be a bundle of nerves and emotions. Simple check list.

Clear some space for the box
Clear some space to put her when she comes out of the box.
Dont wear anything sharp (zips/belt/watches etc)

Be Dispassionate when unpacking. You're going to receive a big cold box with a big cold body in it. Unpack the doll. Put some clothes on her, check her over, put her wig on her. Look at her, then open your eyes again.

Hope the wait isnt too log or unbearable.

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Thanks K. Will take your advice. And yes I agree, my minds meanderings can sometimes come across as a little over thought, to some, even a little pretentious. I like to let thoughts flow, especially after a glass or two

Think that part about waiting and not jumping in right away is important. Guess that was the main essence of what I was thinking of. Yes, I will do lots of looking at first. Thanks for your kind words
Some Asians say that when someone dies, their clothes should be burnt. They say over time they become part of you and if they are worn by others, it takes longer for the soul to transmute to the other side. Likewise, when you have something new, especially something intimate, it will become part of you. almost like an extension of you. If true, could see how an object like a doll so easily brings about an anthropomorphism that makes them become a real world sentient human-like-bean.

That sort of reflects something I've said before on this site in that in certain flavours of Buddhism it is believed that everything, even the inanimate is capable of being a vessel for a soul. When you read it it sort of gives the idea of lost souls wandering around looking for somewhere to safe and loving to live.

You couldn't get more safe or loved than our girls and you have to admit, some of the girls on here there is an undeniable spark to their being.
Like what you are saying Shamus. Not really religious, but am fond of a bit of Buddhist philosophy. Think its wisdom came from meditation and thinking deeply about our world. Guess another problem we have is the notion of the Succubus. A lot of western religion and folklore likes to cast anything sexual as evil. When in fact SEX is just natures way of making us procreate.