Yet another 'Hello from a New Member' :)

Had to hack this up myself, as nobody seems to have put 198 on a tall body - despite her being as sexy as hell with 'come to bed' eyes :wtf Am I just weird?

Hi there,

unfortunately you cannot simply assume head sizes and that head to neck ratio's will work. You either have to know the body and head or see images as any attempt to patch them together will innevitably lead to missizing.

The one that I've found of that head with a larger body seems that the head isn't actually large enough to carry it off.

See here for that head on a 173H :

I've had the issue myself with the WM 163E body where took forever to find the right head for the body (The Singer (WM #130) works perfectly for that one).

Take a serious look at the 162F. A bit shorter yes but seems to tick the rest of your boxes and really suits that face.

Here you go, that head on a 162F:

On th weird comment. No, we're the normal one's it's the rest of them that are crazy f*ckers. :tu


I follow this Guy on Instagram, he posted this video to his YouTube Channel, which might be worth a watch Re Kimberdoll. :tu
Thanks for that, a fascinating insight; wonder exactly what it is about Kimbers that evokes that feeling? The makers certainly seem to be on to something there.

unfortunately you cannot simply assume head sizes and that head to neck ratio's will work. You either have to know the body and head or see images as any attempt to patch them together will inevitably lead to missizing.
I had wondered about that but assumed the production system took it into account and adjusted accordingly; unfortunately, it seems not.

Sadly, the 162 is actually shorter than the standard Jasmine model (163 cm); that's what, 5'3"? Pity, my ideal is a little shorter than me and I'm 5'9" :( Even if I could afford two £1500 dolls, there's nowhere to store them where I live and a move is out of the question for the foreseeable. If I could, I'd probably get the standard Jasmine model (or the tallest one that the head works with) and the 174 that I used for the picture. That's a question in itself, determining the tallest body that any given head looks OK with.

Thinking about it, the 174G seems slenderer than the 173H unless the official photos are really misleading, so it could work; but I'll definitely rethink this, so thanks for the heads-up, much appreciated :)
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Thanks for that, a fascinating insight; wonder exactly what it is about Kimbers that evokes that feeling? The makers certainly seem to be on to something there.

My Chloe is on a Kimberdoll body with a 6YE N97 tan head. She is a lovely doll. Boobs aren't quite as jiggly as some, but she is perfect to me. She has been a little god send to me and helped me so much with things that has gone on in my life lately. She is my bed buddy. Sexual things don't happen as often as at the start, I much prefer to admire her, give her kisses and snuggle into her at night time. I get quite emotional easily and when I am having a bad day, I put some nice relaxing music or sounds on with Alexa and just chill with Chloe. ♥ The rest of the world can just "bugger off" to put it politely. :rolleyes:
My Chloe is on a Kimberdoll body with a 6YE N97 tan head.

N97 tan!!!!! :happy

I didn't realise.

Sam's Ramona moved in with me last week. She's also an N97. :tu (She looks quite different to Chloe).

Ramona is going to be keeping her name and identity. Just a different location. There will be a back story but things here are a bit upside down this week. Luckily met up with Sam and Tommo last Saturday. I digress.

Ramona will be making her site return soon from her new home.

Sorry to interupt the flow. Just read N97 and got excited that there were two of them here :tu

All the best,

N97 tan!!!!! :happy

I didn't realise.

Sam's Ramona moved in with me last week. She's also an N97. :tu (She looks quite different to Chloe).

Ramona is going to be keeping her name and identity. Just a different location. There will be a back story but things here are a bit upside down this week. Luckily met up with Sam and Tommo last Saturday. I digress.

Ramona will be making her site return soon from her new home.

Sorry to interupt the flow. Just read N97 and got excited that there were two of them here :tu

All the best,


"Ooh Chloe you hear that? Your sister is on here!!" "I wondered where she disappeared to! Cheeky moo ran off for milk years ago and not seen her since." :21
You has N97 too? :O

She's only been here a week and is still aclimatising hereself to living with Elves (She's sat on the sofa with Angel, Holly and Georgie at the min) but yes, Ramona is an N97 and as she's a 6YE body (non flush connector) it means that the others won't be stealing her body... Not that they should even try. Strikes me that she's got a bit of a firey Southern European temper... Angel seem to get on well with her :tu

(There will be pictures).
She's only been here a week and is still aclimatising hereself to living with Elves (She's sat on the sofa with Angel, Holly and Georgie at the min) but yes, Ramona is an N97 and as she's a 6YE body (non flush connector) it means that the others won't be stealing her body... Not that they should even try. Strikes me that she's got a bit of a firey Southern European temper... Angel seem to get on well with her :tu

(There will be pictures).

Sorry not sorry :21

Sorry not sorry :21


Just helping with your search girls :

In a few of those pics you can see a hint of Chloe but as I say, they're very different.

She's been doing a tour of Scotland. Whether forunately or unfortunately (still to be determined as to how hard a time she gives me) I complimented her a lot and next thing you know she's kocking at my door and with an "Ok, I live with you" she then just walks in and sits down.

Its ok, I've told Sam where she went. Know that he must have been worried coming home and finding the door open and Ramona and a suitcase missing... She certainly doesn't travel light. Never encountered a girl before who turns up with so many clothes.

Also got a "These are mine. Not to share. Mine".
Thinking about the head mismatch: as long as it isn't too obvious, does it really matter when one is absorbed in, er, 'overwhelmingly stimulating activities'?

Case in point: some years ago there was a video game mod that used images from several sources for sprites and wall textures; some people complained, e.g., that the hands holding the weapons didn't match. Hadn't noticed it, as I was too busy killing zombies and enemy soldiers and using 'real' weapons instead of the fictitious ones in the game.

Anyways, this is what I'm used to right now: Debbie says "Hi!"

"So you're The Living Tribunal, right? Well then, JUDGE me! Judge me NOW!"

Yes, I hear my goddess calling, but so are the gods, and Lord Nikon wants his due ...

She's 20 years old, been patched up half a dozen times, and wearing crap H&M lingerie from the dark ages, but do you think I care?

Doll by some sex shop in Soho. Lingerie by H&M and a car boot stall under the arches across from Liverpool Sreet BR somewhere in 1997. Vaginal insert by FleshLite. Cat by Cuddle Toys.

Debbie's an inflatable, stuffed with rags, cut in half and stretched to around 5'7" - did I mention that I like them tall :) - and patched with duct tape. The FleshLite is a Stoya the Destroyer model, and it does :) I got the wig from a joke shop; she was originally blonde, but I find the sultry brunette much sexier :drool:

The point is, when Debbie and I are doing our thing I don't stop to check if her head to body ratio is an exact multiple of pi/2, nor that part of her lips are green, nor that her boobs are black when the rest of her is pink. I get totally immersed, and that's how it should be.

After this, a 198 atop a 174G should be a piece of cake :happy

N97 tan!!!!! :happy
Sorry to interupt the flow. Just read N97 and got excited that there were two of them here :tu

Derail away, we're all off the bloody things here anyway :p
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:rolleyes: Turn off the radiator, it's summer... :whistle:
Me looks out of the window I've closed for the first time in weeks, at the roaring wind, shaking trees, and blasting cold airflow! This is a UK forum. The clue's in the name. We don't do Summer :p Actually, the heating is off at the master switch, but given the UK skies' propensity to drench or freeze us when we least expect it, don't bet on it staying that way :(
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Me looks out of the window I've closed for the first time in weeks, at the roaring wind, shaking trees, and blasting cold airflow! This is a UK forum. The clue's in the name. We don't do Summer :p

Actually, the heating is off at the master switch, but given the UK skies' propensity to drench or freeze us when we least expect it, don't bet on it staying that way :(

Gloriously sunny at the min here in the Shire. Was pondering whether to venture outside with the camera but if we've got bad weather about to arrive I won't bother (A couple of the girls need changes fof clothes anyway and the spray on pants that one of them is wearing thats not going to be a five minute job).

You do know that Algae's also in the UK don't you.
"Debbie, the Sexy Secretary, Goes to Work"

There is something truly erotic about a gorgeous woman in a see-through blouse delving in her lingerie cache:

So when The Living Tribunal is inspired, he forges something more carnal and walks among the humans as a man, delivering judgements by hand. Of course, he can't be arsed with typing it all up, especially as the lovely Ms Jones is only too willing to do it for him (and the typing). Naturally, he calls himself 'Mr Smith'. Naturally, she fancies him like mad.



Clothes by junk shops and car boots. Computer by Advent. Mocked up login portal by me. Mocked up operating system by Microsoft.

Well, I'm in England. To say I'm in the 'United' Kingdom seems a bit far fetched these days Mr. S. :p

whenever you think that the UK is absolutely buggered I watch the Juice Media... Always nice to know that Australia is more f*cked by their Government than we are by ours :tu

Oops, best be quiet before Psion thinks I'm agreeing with him :21
Oh dear, I seem to have misgendered Matt the Cat :eek:

I guess that's the thing with soft toys, they aren't that realistic and cats are generally assumed female, with dogs male. Given the number of cats I've had over the years, including three 15lb monsters who'd claw your eyes out for daring to call them girls, I think I can safely say that sexist stereotyping is alive and well in the world of soft toys :(

So I'm calling Death of the Author here; this is my fantasy world; and in it, Matt is a definitively male cat. So there :twisted: