The Trouble With Girls!

Just Brilliant Sam!

Pregnant dolls - now there's a road we haven't been down! Big guy with a dog on his T-shirt! Surely not! Wicked story, much better than the TV soaps!
Well done!
The result Part 1










So is she or is she not ?
If she is Who is the mysterious Father ?
What will Sam do when he finds out ?
And why is there a filing cabinet in the room ?
Tune in next week to find out these answers and more !!!
Awesome story, and a new subject idea I've not seen covered before. :b

Great pics and and some bloody funny 'one liners' from Cindy. :21


PS Are we going to see the development of a charitable fund to run a home for the benefit of wayward single mum love dolls.

What a great story:tu:tu:tu

In stead of an pregnancy test, a morning after pill would have been more appropriate :sick
But now, if she's pregnant and if Sam wants to sell her, I guess he has the jackpot: two silicones in one :taunt
Pregnant dolls - now there's a road we haven't been down! Big guy with a dog on his T-shirt! Surely not! Wicked story, much better than the TV soaps!
Well done!

Yeah cos no one has been brave or stupid enugh untill now. And it could be ?????Thanks Kats :D

"I'm a sex doll and I need sex"


Yeah that what i thought to. :D

Then maybe it was this guy?

Nah she said it wasn't that big. :whistle:

Awesome story, and a new subject idea I've not seen covered before.

Great pics and and some bloody funny 'one liners' from Cindy.

PS Are we going to see the development of a charitable fund to run a home for the benefit of wayward single mum love dolls.


Thanks CT i have been thinking about it for a few months now and thought what the heck. :twisted:

Audrey still looks to me like royalty from an exotic land.

That's me and my dad, the author of Blade Runner, Philip K. Dick (during his cowboy phase).

Everhard K. Dick

Oh thats such a nice thing to say Everard, thanks. :tu

You and your Dad :confused: which one are you.

What a great story

In stead of an pregnancy test, a morning after pill would have been more appropriate
But now, if she's pregnant and if Sam wants to sell her, I guess he has the jackpot: two silicones in one

Ah but if she took the pill then the would be the end of the story, and there is so much more to come, a lot more and with a twist or to.

2 for 1 not a bad idea as i am getting a bit fed up with cindy and sophies carry on.:evil:

Cheers Nescio
It wasn't Jimmy Savile but it might still be a guy called Jimmy :evil:

For those of you old enugh to remember Russ Abbot. :happy

Old enough?

Aye well I'm old enough to remember Stanley Baxter ...but if it has t' be a Scot don't forget auld Rab C. Nesbitt! D' y' think she'd a' bin turned on by that sexy string vest mebbe?
Wonderful stuff.

Thing is - what's the gestation period for a dolly? Who knows, could be sooner than you think! You can't throw her out though' you'll just have to adopt. This is one of the best photo stories yet! Love Cindy - all sympathy.
Waitaminute, waitaminute -- what's going on here, some kind'a "Inaccurate Conception" or something? :p

could be........