The Trouble With Girls!


This just gets better. Can't wait to see what the "prog" looks like.
A great "doll soap" - oh, the suspense! Just hope we don't have a "Who shot Samurai!" plot line.
Thank you for all your nice and nasty comments much appriciated. :happy

A word from the Author

There are a nuber of clues and twists in the story.

The pregnancy kit is only 90% accurate, So is she pregnant or just late and she is in the 10% :slaphead

I have herd that when i guy has to many beers he can't rise to the occassion and Sam did have a few :whistle:

Why does Audrey only think it might be sam's baby? :confused:

Where is that cheeky monkey, he has been a bit quiet latley. :confused:

The guy at the club took her to the office to look after her until Sam arrrive, Whats his definition of looking after her ? :confused:

Or is it none of the above. :D :whistle:

This just gets better. Can't wait to see what the "prog" looks like.
A great "doll soap" - oh, the suspense! Just hope we don't have a "Who shot Samurai!" plot line.

I think i just might get shot by one of you guy's :whistle:


Thanks Kats :tu


:whistle: :D
If that was refering to the above then don't worry, we had a spammer and Mr jensguy56 commented and i deleted the spam post so it was not you cosy.

And Welcome back .:D

Oops, I'd better save confusion by getting rid of my spam warning too - there, its gone. Welcome back from the frozen north Cosy.
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Oh Sam, you naughty boy! Taking advantage of an innocent little lady whilst she drunkenly drools into the duvet. Well, ok, considering the subject matter you cant blame a brother for a moment of weakness. :D

Jess and I are loving the interaction between the girls. Cindy is awesome!

Karrot and Jess xx

Thank you for your understanding Mr Karrot :o I hope Jess does not think to badly of me, after all im only a man. :taunt

Cindy is a little show stealer and has an attitude problem :evil:
But we luv's her anyway. :D

Nice photos Samurai :) It's allot of hard work doing a story shoot like that. Well done.:tu

Thanks Kharn, it sure is, but a lot of fun also :happy
Plot twists!

Re note from author.
Plot twists, pregnancy test 90%, too much beer to do the job??? Nah! You aint gonna get out of it that easily. As for one of us shooting you - well Cindy might; I think you'd better do the decent thing by her.
Oops, I'd better save confusion by getting rid of my spam warning too - there, its gone. Welcome back from the frozen north Cosy.

Thanks jensguy... although it was milder over there than it is now in frosty old london! :slaphead

Apologies for any confusion, I thought you were pointing at me with your post/emoticons cos I obviously ended up right above your spam-attack.

Can't wait for the rest of the story! Oooh.... how is Samurai going to explain this to the missus? Will he convert to Mormonism?
These photo's were taken every 2 weeks over a 12 week period using time lapes photography.


Baby is due any day now.
Oh my god, the first recorded doll birth!

Here's a question though, were you still 'bang at it' during the pregnancy?

Great story and your efforts are appreciated:tu
loving the animation but still cant help thinking of John Hurt in Alien- sorry.

Ah! the gruesome bit has yet to come, and its not for the squeamish :sick

You will soon see how silicon dolls are born. :whistle: (or maybe plastic one's) :21

Oh my god, the first recorded doll birth!

Here's a question though, were you still 'bang at it' during the pregnancy?

Great story and your efforts are appreciated:tu

Pervert !:evil:

And thank you Rev:D

And who said romance was dead :D


Nothing i can say to that, except show us your Tits Jess. :happy